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Reflection screenshots

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News | 0 comments


Sequel to Best-Selling WiiTM Fitness Title Due in Stores October 6th

EDISON, N.J., September 16, 2009 – Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, and executive producer Interactive Game Group (I2G), today announced that Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 for Wii™ has gone gold. Building on the success of her first Wii title that sold over 600,000 copies, Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 brings back America’s toughest trainer and health and wellness expert to the interactive world where she motivates players to pursue a healthy, active lifestyle via the game’s new one-on-one training feature. Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2010 for Wii™ is scheduled to release October 6th. In addition, Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2010 for Nintendo DS™, Michaels’ first portable title and the perfect game for maintaining a workout routine on-the-go, is scheduled to arrive in stores October 20th.

“Jillian’s 2010 game is packed with new features and enhancements to help players get the most out of their at home workout,” said Jesse Sutton, Chief Executive Officer, Majesco. “Fitness Ultimatum 2010 is the only game designed and endorsed by Jillian which means that players are getting the best possible training from a proven fitness expert who knows how to get results.”

First download title brings unique platform game to Nintendo handheld
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced its first DSiWare™ download title, in the form of Reflection – a platform game with puzzle elements designed exclusively for the new Nintendo handheld.

Reflection is a clever take on the platform genre, wherein players control a female character and her mirror images as they play through two stages simultaneously. Players take on the role of an adventurer named Kirra who is charged with retrieving a magical mirror that has been broken, unleashing a shattered reality which has also split Kirra into two pieces: one good, one evil.

Rather than a new game, the Mario Club trademark we posted yesterday is actually a new Nintendo subsidiary, which will be transformed from a preexisting division. What is the point of Mario Club, you ask? The subsidiary will be in charge of playing through and debugging titles in an attempt to improve quality. Also, because Mario Club will be a public company, anyone will be able to purchase stock eventually.

Thanks to Thomas for the news tip!


WiiWare/DSiWare videos

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment

LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias gameplay videos

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Admittedly, Nintendo’s holiday 2009 lineup is much better than last year’s with the inclusion of New Super Mario Bros. Wii. As far as the whole year goes though, there have also been a number of remakes/upgrades/compilation releases. But Reggie Fils-Aime, President and COO of Nintendo of America, believes that it’s a mistake to say that hardcore gamers have been ignored.

“…But I think it’s a mistake to say that we’ve ignored the gamer or that we don’t have products for the core gamer. I mean, New Super Mario Bros. has every gamer excited. Just the little tidbits that we’ve shown about the new Zelda for Wii has gamers tremendously excited. We’re going to continue to bring great content both to that experienced player as well as the brand new player, and that’s what we do really well.”

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!


Learning with the Pooyoos Episode 1 – Lexis Numerique – September
UNO – Gameloft – September
Worms: Battle Islands – Team 17 – September
You, Me, and the Cubes – Nintendo – September
Tales of Monkey Island – Chapter 2 – Telltale Games – September

LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias – Frontier – October
BIT.TRIP.VOID – Aksys – October
Max & The Magic Marker – Press Play – October
Tales of Monkey Island – Chapter 3 – Telltale Games – October
Miffy’s World – Pan Vision – October
Toribash – Nabi Studios – October
Cave Story – Nicalis – October
Shootanto Evolutionary Mayhem – Hudson Soft – October
Frogger – Konami – October
Tomena Sanner – Konami – October
Manic Monkey Mayhem – The Code Monkeys – October
Ghost Mansion Party – Gameloft – October
Dracula – Undead Awakening – Chillingo Ltd. – October

Microsoft’s Project Natal has a number of similarities to the Wii remote, the most significant of which is, naturally, motion control support. However, unlike the Wii controller, Natal doesn’t require any sort of input device to play games. It’s for that reason alone that Reggie Fils-Aime, President and COO of Nintendo of America, does not appear to have any interest of releasing a console without some sort of solid controller.

“We’ve considered so many types of input devices. We’ve considered not having input devices. One of the things that our developers have told us is giving the consumer some sort of feedback is very important. Whether it’s standing on a balance board…whether it’s the feedback you get with a Wii remote. So for us, we’ve considered just about everything, but we do believe that feedback is pretty important, and that’s what you don’t get without having any type of input device at all.

You know, who knows what the future may hold, but what we will do is always have within an input device, something the gives the gamer feedback as to how they’re doing, how they’re playing, and how they can improve that gaming experience.”

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

Nintendo unveils exclusive announcements at WiiWare and Nintendo DSiWare media summit

16 September 2009 – Nintendo of Europe is today holding a summit for media and developers in the heart of London, at which it will exclusively reveal a whole host of new games scheduled for launch on WiiWare and Nintendo DSiWare in the coming months. And who better to show off the games than the creators themselves!

Highlights of the day will include a world-first hands-on experience of LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias developed by Frontier, creators of the original LostWinds for WiiWare in 2008. David Braben from Frontier will be speaking exclusively to media on this new sequel and explaining why he believes the game couldn’t have happened without WiiWare.

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