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This game will release in Japan on November 12.

Nintendo Power has done an exceptional job of nabbing exclusives in recent months. The magazine was the first media outlet to debut titles such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up, Mega Man 9, and Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Nintendo Power will be at it once again next month, as the November issue will blow the lid off a secret DSiWare game. But if that doesn’t interest you, there will be plenty of coverage for Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles as well.

“Last issue’s Next Month tease for more No More Heroes 2 coverage fell through (sorry about that), but we’re 99.99% sure that Leon and co. will drop by next month to blow up your world with Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. And to make up for NMH2, we’ll reveal a major DSiWare title that should make many of you very, very happy.”

This information comes from the Capcom-Unity forums…

“…we don’t have an “official” mascot. We have a logo, that’s it.

As far as unofficial mascots go, however, yes, MM would definitely be that. I have actually heard someone discuss this, and I think the reasoning was something akin to Mega Man best embodying the spirit of the company.

So apparently in addition to making great games, Capcom is also here to save the planet from overthrow by evil robot masters (and according to recorded history so far, I’d say we’re doing pretty well–2009 and still no overthrows). ” – Capcom’s Senior Manager of Community, Seth Killian

For me, when I think of Capcom, one of the first characters that comes to mind is Mega Man…Other than Amaterasu! All jokes aside, I really think that he is a great character to represent the company. What do you guys think?


– Action game
– Naruto possesses a glowing dragon sword
– Use the sword to take on enemies and Team Snake
– May be using a new 3D engine
– Releasing November 26 in Japan


“Hard at work on Tokyo Game Show plans. Several new games to be announced in Japan, lots of new content for LP2, TvC, DR2. Exciting!” – Capcom’s official Twitter page

Of course, we don’t know if any of the announcements will be Nintendo-related, but we at we’ll finally see which secret characters are making it into the North American release of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. And hey, wouldn’t it be great if one of the titles was that “Okamiden” sequel?



Course: Cookie Land
Objective: Finish the race first
Secondary objective: Avoid Goombas
Tournament date: 9/1 – 9/10

Endless Ocean 2 trailer

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 6 Comments

Even though Firebrand Games is busy developing their first TrackMania title for Wii, they’re not letting the series abandon the DS. TrackMania 2 DS is in development and is expected to hit Europe Q2 2010. Snow, island, and coast environments will be present in the game. In total, there will be 150 new courses. Players will also be able to play and share tracks either locally or through Wi-Fi. You can check out the first screenshots of the game above.

Source 1, Source 2

Oxygen announces Safar’Wii coming in September
Northampton, UK Weds 26th August 2009

Oxygen Games announces the release of Safar’Wii coming to the Wii™ this September.

You have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to explore a new island, Animal Island. As a photographer for ‘Animal News’ you will be given assignments to take photographs of the islands inhabitants, and experience them up close and personal.

“Safar’Wii makes your dreams of getting close to wild animals a reality,” said Emma Jenkins Product Manager, “it gives kids the chance to interact with animals, see them in their natural habitats and learn about them in an exciting and fun way.”

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