Dekisugi Tingle Pack (DSiWare)
– Comes with 5 tools
– Tarot card fortune teller (predicts love/financial fortune), timer, calculator, music application (Tingle dances in front of DSi picture), coin mini-game (20 players)
– 500 points
Color Changing Tingle’s Balloon Trip of Love (DS)
– Sequel to Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland
– Theme is now women
– Starts with Tingle seeing a product on an infomercial
– No release date provided
Forget all about your childhood’s long and boring piano lessons!
With Easy Piano, practice on famous songs, from classic to pop rock, thanks to its piano accessory more realistic than ever!
Game Life, an independent video games producing company, announces a world premiere for November 2009: Easy Piano, the first ever Nintendo DS game coming with a real mini-piano accessory plugged to your console, and which allows you to learn piano without having to take boring music theory lessons! With Easy Piano on Nintendo DS, practicing the piano has never been so fun and easy.
“There will be a new version of the game with the new name in the next days. That’s the only change. It has to do with a trademark claim by another videogame company. We are a small indie developer and could not fight for our rights.” – Over The Top CEO Rob Alvarez de Lara
This is all of the information we have for now. The new name for Icarian has been changed to NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits.
Interactive Tour Invites Fans in Milwaukee to Play, Share and Create Using the Portable Nintendo DSi System
When festival goers flock to Milwaukee for this year’s Summerfest, they’ll have a rare opportunity to get up close and personal with a remarkable newcomer in hand-held entertainment. Appearing June 25-29 at the festival’s lakefront site in downtown Milwaukee, the Nintendo DSi™ Mobile Tour invites consumers to board an interactive tour bus loaded with portable Nintendo DSi systems and software. Visitors and spectators can experience the unique features and creative fun of Nintendo DSi. With help from on-site Nintendo ambassadors, consumers can use Nintendo DSi to take and manipulate photos, tweak sound recordings and enjoy a wide variety of games. Visitors can print their original souvenir photos on the bus or store them online and download them from home.As the latest evolution in Nintendo’s popular line of hand-held video game devices, Nintendo DSi features two built-in cameras, audio recording and playback functions, and access to a wealth of downloadable games and applications from the online Nintendo DSi Shop™. Players can use 10 different interactive “lenses” to tweak photos in unusual ways and share them over a local wireless connection, or have fun with their favorite music by using different audio filters to alter recorded voices or change the tempo of a song. Since launching in April, Nintendo DSi has sold more than 1 million units in the United States.
“That was our publisher’s decision to do that [creating seperate Wii version]. And I think that it’s a good decision because I don’t think direct ports to the Wii work…The key selling point for the Wii is the Wii controls. You should build your game round that. The weakness for the Wii is the graphical and processing technology, which is last-gen. So you have to custom tailor your game to best use of the Wii’s strengths, which is the Wii-mote. I don’t think you can do that with a direct port.” – Lennart Sas, Creative Director at Triumph Studios
In most instances, I’d prefer developers to create unique experiences for the Wii. It just makes more sense when you think about it…Building a Wii game from the ground up can allow developers to get the most out of the hardware.
Shigeru Miyamoto has stressed in numerous interviews that he wishes to include Wii MotionPlus in Link’s first true outing on Nintendo’s console. In fact, he has gone as far as to say that there’s a good chance the game will require the peripheral. But believe it or not, Miyamoto has also said that he is the only one asking for MotionPlus support in the game.
“One thing that I will tell you that I have made a request of the team is I really want to work with Wii MotionPlus. That being said, right now I’m the only one who is asking for that. Wii MotionPlus is something that would really lend itself well to new Link.”
I really must say that I am surprised by this. You would think that a good majority of the development team would be interested in at least experimenting with it…Who wouldn’t want more accurate sword controls?
Peripheral Maker Launches Full Arsenal of Cool Gadgets forNintendoTM’s New WiiTM Expansion Device
Los Angeles, Calif., (June, 2009) – Nitho, a developer of video game peripherals, has announced the launch of its catalog of video game accessories designed for the Nintendo™ Wii Motion Plus™ expansion device. The Wii Motion Plus allows the Wii remote to more accurately capture complex motion in video games developed for the Wii console. Nitho’s peripheral offering have been designed to further enhance the gaming experience for fans of the Wii platform.
Nitho Products for Wii Motion Plus include:
• Tennis Racket
• Baseball Bat
• Golf Club
• Charging Dock
• Revolver – 2 in 1 Remote and Nunchuck with ergonomic handle
• Sport Pack – A collection of sports handles including tennis, golf and baseball
• Sport & Drive – Sport Pack that also includes a Wheel and IR Pass Through Port allowing easy in-game programming
• Superkit – A collection of sports clubs, sword, ping pong bats, and revolver
• Superkit All in One – Contains more than 20 accessories
Anywhere Wii Room
Corporation Room
Travel Room
Gourmet Room
Real Estate Room
Fashion Room
Financial Credit Room
Movie Room
Enterprise Room
Living Room
Playing Room
Medical Room
Nemrem (ArtStyle game)
Zengage (Possible ArtStyle game)
Precipice (Possible ArtStyle game)
There’s a good chance that we may never see any of these trademarks translate to future Wii channels, games, or products. Nintendo might have just decided to take a few protective measures.