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“A small minority [of published Activision games] consist of a select few wholly-owned and internally-developed new IP for which we have planned conservatively. If successful, [these] will prove [to have] a high rate of return on investment for the near and long-term. …rigorous, measured approach to launching new IP… the introduction of new IP is one of our industry’s most difficult challenges. [We will] conservatively manage our portfolio risk profile by generating our majority of revenue… from more predictable and stable franchises that have served us well over long periods of time.” – Activision CEO, Bobby Kotick

According to the company’s conference call from earlier today, that just isn’t happening. Activision has announced that Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits is on the way. This game will feature full-band versions of tracks that appeared in previous Guitar Hero games. That title is set to come out this Summer.

Activision revealed in a conference call last night that Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits is in development. Songs from previous Guitar Hero titles will be in the game. Though, Greatest Hits isn’t the biggest news. Activision is also creating another title for the Guitar Hero series. The next “true” title will see a “major re-stage” of the franchise as we know it with “new differentiated Guitar Hero products.” The game should be on the way before the year ends.

Rumored track list after the break.

Dragon Quest V video

Posted 16 years ago by in DS, News | 0 comments

Innovation is not dead; it’s just awaiting its reawakening this June

IRVINE, CALIFORNIA – FEBRUARY 11, 2009 – Atlus U.S.A. today announced that it has secured the North American publishing rights for Knights in the Nightmare™, a groundbreaking new gaming experience for Nintendo DS™. Certain to be one of the most innovative titles of 2009, Knights in the Nightmare is wholly unique. Not easily placed in any one genre, the game requires players to throw out everything they know about roleplaying and strategy games and embrace something altogether new and fresh. Frantic, energetic action mixes with thought-provoking tactical gameplay, all within a beautifully-rendered fantasy setting and presented through a captivating, emotional narrative. Dripping with style and originality, Knights in the Nightmare delivers an unforgettable experience.

Knights in the Nightmare is scheduled for release on June 2, 2009 with an MSRP of $34.99.

Evasive Space Evade trailer

Posted 16 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

“Out of the current generation of game consoles, Wii has the greatest user base. It’s only natural that we would want to provide content for the most numerous hardware. Also, Wii’s unique interface can be a good match for action games depending on how it’s used. When it comes to providing action games that are easy to play, Wii can be considered extremely good hardware. Lastly, the mix of content offered for this platform is unbalanced. We sensed there was an opportunity to offer an adult-oriented title with strong impact.” – Tatsuya Minami


“Yes, those videos many of you saw last week were an early look at Spyborgs … a waaaay early look from about a year ago, well before the recent upgrades we’ve made to the game, the engine, the art style. Those videos weren’t even gameplay footage anyway. They were all animatics – early blocked out cinematics for figuring out timing, camera angles, animations for various cuts, etc. Those are all meant to be rough and easy to iterate before things are locked down and the polished models, textures, effects, etc. are put into place.

The new Spyborgs is looking really good. When people’s first reactions are surprise that those graphics are on the Wii, you know you’re on to something. We’re excited to reveal it to you all soon. I’m working with Marketing to get permission to post a teaser of some kind: a screenshot, a piece of a screenshot, some character art… anything!” – Daryl, Capcom

I’m pulling for Spyborgs, but I will continue to remain cautiously optimistic. I admit that I’m pretty interested in seeing how different the new version of the game looks.

Stupid WordPress

Posted 16 years ago by in Site updates | 0 comments

Granted you’ve been visiting the website over the past hour or so, you’ve probably encountered…Well…A mess of things. I was attempting to upgrade WordPress and encountered a few problems which completely fudged up the theme’s website. I’m almost certain that I’ve corrected any issues, but don’t hesitate to send an email if you find something that you don’t think is right.

Thanks, and apologies for the screw up!

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