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“It almost feels like a zombie at this point; it’s the walking dead. It’s such an abrupt end to what was E3, which had been this huge escalating arms race. I understand why they really pulled the plug on the big E3. Looking at the amount of money a company like EA would spend on it, it was ridiculous amounts of money just to be present and competitive with everyone else, so I think they were looking for a way to sign the arms treaty and de-escalate the whole thing.” – Will Wright

I do have to agree with Will Wright. I remember just a few years back – 2006 even – when E3 wasn’t so terrible. This year, however, the whole event lacked the fire, and the traditional simply didn’t feel like the E3 most of us had come to love. Someone, bring back the old E3!


Captain Rainbow intro

Posted 16 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

Xbox 360 31% (39% total)
PlayStation 3 26% (33% total)
Wii 12%
PlayStation 2 11%
Xbox 360 – 20th Annv. 8%
PlayStation 3 – 20th Annv. 7%
PlayStation Portable 4%
Nintendo DS 1%

Keep in mind that these are just sales from Amazon. If I had to predict, I’d say that the Wii sales overall for the game is probably a bit less than 12%. I suppose that isn’t terrible since Nintendo owners aren’t known for snatching up sports games.


“No announcement has been made.” – Nintendo statement (NOE)

Usually, Nintendo provides that “Sorry but we don’t comment on rumors and speculation” response. Nintendo isn’t confirming anything, but does anyone else believe Nintendo is going to make an announcement about the game soon?


Small update: I’ve embedded the video. The release date discussion comes towards the end.

High Voltage Software put out a press release in June. Included in the release was a launch window for The Conduit – Q1 2009. However, it looks like the specific month has been narrowed down for the game’s launch window. When Gamereactor asked when The Conduit is scheduled to launch, Eric Nofsinger noted that the team is “looking at a March release of next year” for the game. It’s possible that the title could be bumped back or even pushed forward, but as it stands, expect a March release for The Conduit.

Intense Dodgeball Rivalry to be Settled on Wii Courts Everywhere This Winter

Cockpit, Austin, TX – August 28, 2007 – Gamecock Media Group announced today that Blazing Lizard’s Pirates vs. Ninjas™ Dodgeball will release on Wii™ this winter. The title features two ancient rivals, ninjas and pirates, along with several other teams, all looking to settle the score once and for all – on the dodgeball court.

“The competition between the Pirates and the Ninjas is so huge that battles are breaking out all over,” said Harry Miller, El Presidente of Gamecock Media Group. “We’re happy to bring this grand conflict to the Wii, and give players the chance to help determine who the ultimate champions are.”

*Online gameplay is only available for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and Wii and may require an additional subscription.

First of all, it’s really difficult to understand that sentence…Who wrote that?! It seems as though people who own the 360 version of Guitar Hero won’t have to pay an additional fee to play online whereas PS3 and Wii owners will. However, if World Tour is utilizing the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, I don’t see why Activision would charge gamers anything. I’m pretty sure all other Wi-Fi Connection titles have been set up so that consumers would not have to play to go online.

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