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Wii Sports is an innovative game, but I definitely would not label it as the best game ever. I can think of copious titles that have revolutionized the gaming industry or are classics.


“Since we got into the next-gen console era, everyone is saying that Japanese games are lagging behind Western games and don’t fit the Western taste anymore. However, despite all these gloomy predictions, everyone (including me) is waiting for TGS and is expecting Japanese publishers to be announcing some pearls that only they can make. To all the Japanese game lovers who will make the trip to Japan for TGS, Marvelous has prepared a really nice line-up for you. Besides, we will have big announcement (something that hasn’t even been announced in the Japan press yet) that will involve a charismatic Japanese creator on the first day of TGS!!! So, stay tuned.” – Marvelous TGS blog

Sakurai? Suda? How about Miyamoto? Anyone have a guess of their own? Keep in mind that this could end up as a non-Nintendo announcement.


“Nintendo isn’t supporting the developers in that area enough, so doing that isn’t viable at the moment.” – Erik Zwerling, My Sims PC producer

This statement was in response to a question posed by a blogger at EA’s Bloggers Day for The Sims franchise. The blogger asked why online functions of My Sims on the PC were absent from the Wii version of the title. Nintendo has been known for being a more cautious company regarding online functionality, but there are quite a few games out there that have, or are working to incoorporate online. The Conduit, for instance, will most likely include WiiSpeak support and at least 16 players online.


In an interview with Nintendo Power, Rockstar Games cofounder Dan Houser explained why the company decided to to move the Grand Theft Auto series to the DS rather than the Wii. He states that “it didn’t really feel natural” to Rockstar and that “the DS felt like it had a lot of interesting challenges that would be totally different” than what the company has previously done.

Full question/answer below:

Q: It seems like a more natural progression for the series to move to Wii rather than the DS. Is there any reason why you didn’t take it there first?

A: It didn’t feel natural to us, I guess. It really was that the DS felt like it had a lot of interesting challenges that would be totally different from what we’d done in the past. The stylus and the chance to use minigames in that way was really interesting and exciting to us, and we thought we could integrate seamlessly between those two modes. And it would be the chance to make something really good on a handheld with our handheld-focused team. That was really why we went that way. We haven’t really done any concrete, major thinking about the Wii, one way or another. They’re sort of separate issues.

Mega Man 9 video review

Posted 16 years ago by in News, Wii | 2 Comments

I don’t usually post reviews on the site, but I thought that some of you would be interested in seeing this video. Remember, Mega Man 9 launches in North America on Monday!

DLC is great and all, but doesn’t it kind of stink that you have to pay for new content, even if the content is the most minuscule upgrade? Well, Hudson is doing a great service to Alien Crush Returns owners. As of now, there’s some free downloadable content up for grabs which involves new action motions. When Alien Crush Returns boots up and you allow the game to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi, the game will search for any current downloads, which includes actions such as an explosive pinball as of now. Not all DLC is expected to be free, but it’s nice to know that Hudson isn’t try to rob Alien Crush Returns owners of every penny they have.


“Now that the Prime trilogy was up, it felt like a good time to be looking around, and this is an opportunity to branch out more and reach a lot more people with the types of games we like to make. Plus, the venture is one that really fits with our thinking about how games should move forward.” – Jack Matthews

Retro Studios is going to miss out on the talent of the men who moved on to Armature. In a way, however, we’ll kind of get two experience games from two Retro Studios companies. Of course, there’s the original Retro Studios, and then there’s Armature. As we know, three previous Retro Studios staff members have moved on to the new company and were actually some of the most important people at Retro.


“Although some of these games may slip beyond Christmas, as far as we know just now Wii gamers can look forward to the likes of Animal Crossing: City Folk, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels, Wii Music, WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2009, Sonic Unleashed, Shaun White Snowboarding, Call Of Duty 5, Tomb Raider Underworld, MySims Kingdom, Dead Rising, Skate It, Rayman Raving Rabbids 3 and maybe a few other surprises that some big developers may still have up their sleeve (wink, wink).”

Nintendo’s conference – actually, two events – are scheduled to happen on October 2nd. Last year, Nintendo had some humungous announcements, although the North American conference was arguably not as big. However, I think that there could definitely be something in the pipeline…Perhaps not for this year, but early next year. Pikmin footage and release date, anyone? Or, how about if Reggie were to come bursting out onto a stage in a Link costume with a sword and shield?


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