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Nintendo put together another brief trailer for 1-2-Switch that shows off three of its minigames – this time, Sword Fight, Milk and Telephone. Give it a watch:


Nintendo has released footage of another 1-2-Switch minigame, Treasure Box. The game features two treasure boxes tied up in chains, and players must twist and turn their Joy-Con to unravel the chains. Watch the footage below:


Nintendo put together a new European 1-2-Switch commercial to highlight a couple of the included mini-games. You can view it below.

Nintendo shared yet another look at 1-2-Switch on its Japanese Twitter page with a video for the Sailor mini-game. Take a look at it below.



Much like GameSpot earlier today, Nintendo stopped by GiantBomb’s office to show off 1-2-Switch. The site’s full video is posted below.



GameSpot is currently hosting a live stream with Nintendo to show off 1-2-Switch. The in-progress stream is below, and once it’s finished, you should be able to see the full archive.


Update 2: We’re now hearing that orders are being cancelled. Guess it was too good to be true!

Update: Deal is dead.

Original: Amazon UK seems to have made a massive error, as the digital version of 1-2-Switch is currently going for just £1.99 on the site. It goes without saying that we have a price mistake on our hands.

You can try ordering a copy right here. We’ll have to hope that orders aren’t cancelled, but that could be a possibility.


Nintendo detailed two of the modes that are included in 1-2-Switch today on its Japanese blog.

First, we have a brief update on Shuffle mode. Mini-games are picked randomly here. Players can also make it so that five mini-games are randomly picked.

1-2-Switch also features Team Match mode, which is recommended if you have a large group of players. The group will be split into two teams and can compete in various mini-games.



1-2-Switch – Zen footage

Posted on 8 years ago by in Switch | 0 comments

Nintendo has released video of another 1-2-Switch minigame, Zen. In the game, one player makes a pose, and the other must mimic and hold that pose. Watch the footage below:


Several Japanese commercials are now up for 1-2-Switch. Have a look at the full of adverts set below.

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