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Creatures Inc.

Detective Pikachu 2

During the Pokemon Press Conference 2019, a number of experiences were announced, including a new Detective Pikachu game for Switch. We’ve essentially heard nothing about the project since then, but there’s a chance that it could be released fairly soon.

It’s been spotted that Jonathan Murphy, a senior programmer at Creatures Inc. and Pokemon TCG Development Division, specifically mentions that Detective Pikachu 2 is “nearing release”. An unannounced project is there as well.

A new Pokemon-related trademark has been filed in Japan. Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Game Freak nabbed the name “Pokedaringu”.

At the moment, we can’t say for sure if the trademark will actually be used, and what the final name could be overseas. It could be something along the lines of PokeDaring or PokeDulling.

Also worth noting, this isn’t actually confirmed to be a game. It could even be a merchandise line or even just an item in a game.


Last December, Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures Inc. filed a new trademark for “Phantom Gate”. Given the connection between all three companies, there’s a good chance this is Pokemon-related. A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, perhaps?


Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. have filed a Japanese trademark for “Poketouch”. It’s anyone’s guess what the name is about. As always, there’s also the possibility that the name won’t end up being used.


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