Mario Kart Tour – Yoshi Tour kicks off with Yoshi (Egg Hunt) featured in new video
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
The Hammer Bro Tour has come to an end, ushering in the new Yoshi Tour. This colorful tour welcomes a festive new racer, Yoshi (Egg Hunt) which is featured in the new video below. Will you be racing toward this new character and attempting to add it to your team?
It's time for the Yoshi Tour! This tour promises to be filled with brilliant colors and lively races. By the way, the object you saw in the #MKTQuiz was none other than Yoshi (Egg Hunt)'s egg shell!
Follow the link for more #MarioKartTour videos!
— Mario Kart Tour (@mariokarttourEN) April 8, 2020
More: DeNA, Mario Kart Tour
Pokemon Masters – Battle Villa rotation
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
The Battle Villa has been reset as of today. With this rotation, new battles can be won with different opposing teams. Rewards from the previous rotation can be claimed by entering the Battle Villa, so be sure to check it out if you participated before. This rotation should be set until April 15th. If you haven’t participated in Battle Villa before, be mindful that you must clear the main story’s Chapter 7 beforehand.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters update out now, adding ability to battle co-op battles solo (version
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
A new update is now live for Pokemon Masters on all mobile devices. This 76MB update comes with an additional in-game download of 340MB and adds new content as well as a few bug fixes.
The full patch notes are included below:
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters – Fantina & Mismagius sync pair now available
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
A new Sync Pair is now available in Pokemon Masters. Players can Sync Pair Scout: 5★ Fantina & Mismagius, a powerful ghost-type duo. This pair will be on spotlight until April 2nd. Take a look at their sync move below:
Fantina & Mismagius are coming soon to the sync pair scout!
Check out their sync move, Soulful Dancer Shadow Ball!#PokemonMasters
— Pokémon Masters EX (@PokemonMasters) March 18, 2020
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters – Sabrina & Alakazam Spotlight Scout and Ghost Training event now live
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
New events are now live in Pokemon Masters, allowing players to take a chance on Scouting the Sync Pair of Sabrina & Alakazam. Additionally, players can take advantage of the Ghost Type training event to level their Pokemon quickly. Take a look below at the scout page for Sabrina:
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters: DeNA outlines changes coming to the game – reduced grind, Legendary Arena, Eggs and more
Posted on 4 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Masters had a bit of a rough start, but since then, DeNA have been steadily improving the game, adding new content and improving quality of life aspects, and they’ve been actively communicating with players. Today, they announced some more changes coming to Pokemon Masters to make the game a more pleasant experience. Here’s an overview of the changes that are planned:
- Reducing the number of times you have to battle in order to get rewards from events
- Improving the Sync Grid system
- New feature – Legendary Arena: extremely difficulty battles against Legendary Pokemon; planned for release this Summer
- battles against opponents like Elite Four members and Champions will be more challenging and more rewarding
- New feature – Medals, a kind of achievement system
- New feature – Pokemon Eggs: with this feature, players will be able change the partner Pokemon of the player character, and they’ll be able to freely choose from a selection of fan-favorite Pokemon
- Bonus effects based on team composition will be introduced – for example, using a team with only trainers from the Kanto region will give all of them a boost in battle
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Mario Kart Tour – Baby Rosalina Tour begins bringing free pipe fire off after collecting Grand Stars
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
The Mario Bros. Tour has come to an end, heralding the start of the new Baby Rosalina Tour. Players will return to the storied streets of London (but watch out for the Chain Chomps!) and enjoy twists and turns on courses spread out over 12 cups. A big change has happened with the start of this tour: Now you can fire off the pipe for free after collecting enough Grand Stars. Once you get a certain number of Grand Stars, you’ll be able to fire off the pipe for free in the same way as you would accept a tour gift. Check out the Baby Rosalina Tour video below:
It's time for the Baby Rosalina Tour! Return to the storied streets of London (but watch out for the Chain Chomps!) and enjoy twists and turns on courses spread out over 12 cups.
Follow the link for more #MarioKartTour videos!
— Mario Kart Tour (@mariokarttourEN) March 11, 2020
More: DeNA, Mario Kart Tour
Pokemon Masters – 3/6/2020 events roundup
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Here are the latest events in Pokemon Masters:
- Spotlight Scout: Grimsley & Liepard; Karen & Houndoom are both featured pairs
- The Lurking Shadow events with Giovanni & Mewtwo has made a return with changes made due to player feedback.
- The Electric-type training event has made a return, allowing players to level their teams through the challenges.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Dr. Mario World update out now (version 1.3.0)
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
In the latest batch of updates for Nintendo’s smartphone apps, it would seem Dr. Mario World is also in the running, with an update available for iOS and Android players bringing the app’s version to 1.3.0. Players can look at the patch notes and changes below:
- Added a Daily Booster stage that can be played every day
- Added a useful stage mode item, the boomerang.
- Adjusted the number of diamonds required for some items.
- Fixed bugs.
- Made other minor adjustments.
- To replace the Daily Gift, we will add a special stage where you can earn coins and doc tokens every day.
- We will add a new item that can be used in stage mode. Along with this addition, we will also adjust the number of diamonds required for some existing items.
- We will change the lineup under Special Packs in the shop.
More: DeNA, Dr. Mario World
Mario Kart Tour update out now (version 2.0.0)
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
A new update is now live for Mario Kart Tour, bringing the version number to 2.0.0. The update is live for both iOS and Android devices, and players can see the following changes from the patch notes below:
- Added support for racing against players from around the world via multiplayer. This service is scheduled to become available on March 8th, at 8:00 PM PT.
- Added a camera feature. Using this feature during a race allows you to freely move the camera around your driver as they automatically steer. Use it to view the action from different angles!
- Made other adjustments and addressed known issues to improve the overall gameplay experience.
- Additional details: this update will become mandatory on March 8th/9th 2020.