Pokemon Masters EX – Legendary Gauntlet battle event and Diantha, Ingo and Red Poke Fair Scout live now
Posted on 2 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A small handful of new events have just gone live for Pokemon Masters EX. These are:
- Epic Battle Event Legendary Gauntlet, where you can challenge strong Legendary Pokemon to earn special rewards
- Diantha, Ingo and Red Poke Fair Scout to give you a shot at obtaining these event-limited Sync Pairs
- 5 Star-Select Type Scout to let you scout a Water, Ghost or Fairy-type Sync Pair of your choice
All of these events will run from March 23 to April 6. Additional details on these events can be found below the break.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Verdant Guardian story event and Sygna Suit Serena Master Fair Scout live now
Posted on 2 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Some new events featuring the trainer Serena have gone live in Pokemon Masters EX. This includes the story event Verdant Guardian where players must help Serena and her friends find Zygarde Cells to uncover the intentions of the Pokemon. Special missions will be available as part of this event and can be completed to earn rewards, and it will last until March 30, 2022 at 10:59pm PT.
Also live now is the Master Fair Scout for Sygna Suit Serena. This scout gives a 12% chance for 5-star sync pairs to appear and Sygna Suit Serena & Zygarde are featured in this. Additionally, the sync pairs included in this event are exclusive pairs that have Master Passive Skills that can strengthen players’ teams. This scout will be live until April 13, 2022 at 10:59pm PT.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Shining Heart of Dragons and Iris Poke Fair Scout live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
The Shining Heart of Dragons story event is live now in Pokemon Masters EX. This event features Iris, Lance, and Diantha and players can earn Prize Coins by completing battles. These coins can be used in the Prize Box to earn all sorts of helpful items. This event will run until March 23, 2022 at 9:59pm PT.
Also live now is a Poke Fair Scout for the exclusive 5-star sync pair of Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon. This sync pair has a 10% chance of showing up in the Scout and players have until March 23, 2022 9:59pm PT to try the Scout.
Finally, there is also a Fair and Normal Type Egg event live now alongside Cresselia coming back to the Legendary Arena. Both of these events also run until March 23, 2022 and more information about them can be found below.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Mario Kart Tour – Mii Tour now available, new changes implemented
Posted on 3 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile | 0 comments
The latest Mii Tour has just gone live in Mario Kart Tour and has brought with it a number of changes. Mii characters are now playable in the game and can be accessorized with various Mii Racing Suits. Mushroom Gorge has also been added as a playable track.
Additionally, a few mechanical changes have now been implemented; level cap for drivers, karts and gliders is now 7; High-End drivers, karts and gliders have one extra favorite course; maximum player level is now 300; several items now provide more bonus points when used; new items have been added to the Daily Selects lineup and more items will be available in the Tier Shop at tiers 50, 55 and 60. Certain bugs and issues have also been addressed.
In case you missed them, you can check out a couple of trailers showcasing the new Mii Tour and Mii Racing Suits below:
More: DeNA, Mario Kart Tour
Pokemon Masters EX – Raihan Poke Fair Scout live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
The next scout has gone live in the 2.5 year celebration for Pokemon Masters EX. This scout is for the 5-star sync pair Raihan & Flygon (Anniversary 2022), and they have a 10% chance of appearing in this Poke Fair Scout.
This scout will last until March 30, 2022 at 9:59pm PT. For more specific info, check out the details below.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Pasio Friendiversary, May Poké Fair Scout and more live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile | 0 comments
Pokemon Masters EX is celebrating its 2.5 year anniversary today, and a whole bunch of events have gone live for the game, including:
- Pokémon Day Gems Rally with extra gems for all players (February 27 – March 27)
- Story Event Pasio Friendiversary where players can unlock special stories for certain characters (February 27 – March 16)
- Extreme Battle Event Friendiversary Face-Off where you can take on certain Champions (February 27 – March 16)
- May Poké Fair Scout where you can team up with May & Latias (February 27 – March 30)
- Battle Rewind Throwback Challenge where you can challenge yourself against strong opponents (February 27 – March 30)
In addition to these, a few more events are planned to go live soon to celebrate the anniversary, including Sync Pair Scout events and new Sync Pairs for Skyla and Raihan. For now, here are some additional details on the events now live in Pokemon Masters EX:
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Pokemon Masters Day event live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
The Pokemon Masters Day event has gone live in Pokemon Masters EX. This event brings two discounted scouts and special Pikachu-themed experiences that reward players with all kinds of goodies.
Pika-Presents for Everyone! is a battle event that gives out Gems, 5-star Power-Ups, Strike Move Candy Coins, 5-star Guaranteed Scout Tickets, and others. There is also a special co-op battle called Special Pika-Challenge! This can be completed to earn Pikachu Stickers. And, finally, there will be Pikachus that award players for logging in (with 500 gems).
The Pokemon Masters Day event will end tomorrow on Febuary 25, 2022 at 10pm PT. So, make sure to take advantage of these events while they are running!
For more specific information on the scouts and Pikachu events, check out the full details below.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Moltres returns to Legendary Arena and Eggs updated with new Pokemon
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Pokemon Masters EX has added new Pokemon to Eggs that trainers receive from Professor Bellis. The full list of hatchable Pokemon is now:
- Dratini*
- Vulpix*
- Mankey*
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Cubone
- Gastly
- Igglybuff
- Lapras
- Kabuto
- Lickitung
- Kangaskhan
- Tauros
- Meowth
- Bellsprout
- Nidoran♀
- Weedle
- Geodude
- Zubat
- Rattata
- Goldeen
- Seel
- Machop
- Exeggcute
- Growlithe
- Magnemite
- Voltorb
(a “*” indicates the possibility for a shiny Pokemon)
Also, Moltres has returned to the Legendary Arena until March 9, 2022. New event missions are included in this as well as exclusive medals.
And, finally, a Blissful Bonanza is live until March 2, 2022, and it is running alongside a Training Area Reward Boost Rally & a Special Rally.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Spreading Shadows, Giovanni’s Malice, Double Feature Spotlight Scout and more all live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile | 0 comments
As the first in a set of announcements for this week’s Pokemon Day, a whole bunch of events have gone live in Pokemon Masters EX, including:
- Villain Event Spreading Shadows where you can boost Giovanni and Mewtwo is now live (February 20 – March 6)
- Extreme Battle Event Giovanni’s Malice where players take on Giovanni (February 20 – March 6)
- Double Feature Spotlight Scout with the ability to Scout 5-star sync pairs Erika & Leafeon and Misty & Vaporeon (February 20 – March 6)
- Kanto-only 5-Star-Select Scout x11, letting players scout 11 sync pairs plus a 5-Star sync pair of their choice (February 20 – March 6)
- 10-Pair Scout Ticket as a daily log-in bonus up to ten times, letting players team up with up to 100 sync pairs (February 20 – March 23)
Details on the various events can be found below:
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Team Rocket Takedown, Looming Shadow of Kanto, Red & Blue Poke Fair Scout, Blue & Arcanine Sync Pair Event all live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
A bunch of events have gone live in Pokemon Masters EX, including:
- Welcome Back Rally with special rewards for players returning to the game (February 16 – March 16)
- Sync Pair Event where players can team up with Blue & Arcanine (February 16 – March 16)
- Villain Event Prelude Looming Shadow of Kanto where players battle against Team Rocket (February 16 – March 6)
- Extreme Battle Event Team Rocket Takedown where players take on Giovanni (February 16 – March 6)
- Red & Blue Poke Fair Scout with the ability to Scout 5-star sync pairs Red & Snorlax and Blue & Aerodactyl (February 16 – March 6)
In addition to these events, a Run-Up to 2.5 years celebration is under way (starting with the Blue & Arcanine Sync Pair event) with many more sync pair events coming soon. A preview video of this celebration can be found below in addition to details about the various events that are live now.