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Fire Emblem Heroes

A new Special Map is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. The Grand Hero Battle featuring Nemesis: King of Liberation is now available for players to take on to recruit the titular Hero. This event will be available until October 27.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced the next summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. Goddess’s Servants will feature Catherine: Thunder Knight, Flayn: Playing Innocent, Seteth: Seiros Adherent, and Shamir: Archer Apart. A new story chapter is also planned.

Goddess’s Servants goes live in Fire Emblem Heroes on October 19. View a trailer for the event below.

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a new Summoning Focus event highlighting Heroes with the Special Spiral 3 skill. If their Special triggers before or during combat, they are granted Special cooldown count-2 after combat. The featured Heroes are Keaton: Lupine Collector, Igrene: Nabata Protector, and Lewyn: Guiding Breeze. This event will be active until October 23.

Additionally, a new map in Tactics Drill Maps is now available: Take Your Positions! (Grandmaster).

Two new events start today in Fire Emblem Heroes.
First, the latest Hall of Forms is now live, and players can clear a map every day to earn rewards. This event features the Heroes Camilla: Flower of Fantasy, Corrin: Dream Princess, Corrin: Dream Prince, and Xander: Dancing Knight>

Additionally, the latest Mjölnir Strike is now live, featuring an enemy army led by Travant. The Brace Phase will last from today, October 14 until October 16, Shield Phase from October 16 to 17, and Counter Phase from October 17 to 18.

The latest Summoning Event for Fire Emblem Heroes is now live. In this Double Special Heroes Summoning Focus, two 5-star Heroes of each color are available with an initial appearance rate of 6%. The featured Heroes are Mia: Harmonic Blades, Micaiah: Dawn Wind’s Duo, Marth: Legacied Hero, Oboro: Fierce Bride-to-Be, Narcian: Vernal General, Rafiel: Blessed Wings, Nailah: Blessed Queen, and Merric: Changing Wings. This event will be active until October 27.

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a new Summoning Focus starring Heroes that gained new skills. The New Power Summoning Focus features the Heroes Sigurd: Holy Knight, Effie: Army of One, and Rhaja: Black Magician. This event will be available until October 15.

Tempest Trials+ Ever Two Halves has arrived in Fire Emblem Heroes. During this event, participants can earn rewards based on the score they reach, including the Hero Ena: Autumn Tactician:

  • Divine Code (Ephemera 10) × 50: 6,000
  • Brazen Def/Res 1 Sacred Seal: 10,000
  • 5-star Special Hero Ena: Autumn Tactician: 15,000
  • Atk/Def Solo 1 Sacred Seal: 20,000

This event will be active until October 19.

In addition, a set of Daily Quests is running alongside Tempest Trials+, with rewards from October 14 onward being doubled. These will be available until October 19.

A new Summoning Focus has arrived in Fire Emblem Heroes, Dragons Harvest. This event was announced a few days ago with a video, but with its arrival comes some more new content not previously announced. The Summoning Focus will be available until November 8.

Firstly, a new set of Story Maps is now available. This is a Paralogue called Dragons Harvest.

A new set of Dragons Harvest Quests are also now available until November 8.

In addition, a new set of Log-In Bonuses are available for the event rewarding a total of 13 orbs until October 21.

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting some new content starting today.

Firstly, the latest Voting Gauntlet, Ponytails vs. Pigtails, has ended with Hilda as the victor. More details can be found at the official website here.

New quests are available for players to take part in. Lance Art Quests will be available until October 21.

A new Squad Assault map has been added: 38th Assault.

Lastly, a new update has been rolled out reworking a lot of mechanics. Check out the patch notes for update version 4.10.0 below.

A new event is available in Fire Emblem Heroes. The latest 5-star Summoning Focus, Tempest Trials+, features the Heroes Tiki: Dragon Scion, Ninian: Oracle of Destiny, and Robin: High Deliverer. This event will be available until October 19.

Additionally, a new set of Bonus Heroes is available for the Arena. The latest set includes the Heroes Plumeria: Lewd Dream, Jill: Fiery Dracoknight, Ilyana: Hungering Mage, Gatrie: Armored Amour, Shinon: Scathing Archer, Petrine: Icy Flame-Lancer, Seth: Silver Knight, Boey: Skillful Survivor, Chrom: Crowned Exalt, and Alfonse: Prince of Askr, and this set will be available until October 20.

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