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Fire Emblem Heroes

First up we have a new Summoning Focus: Heroes with Brazen skills are featured now, with 5★ heroes featuring the skill having a boosted appearance rate. If a Hero with a Brazen skill has 80% HP or less at the start of combat, they are granted up to +7 to certain stats during combat. Your first summon in this event, as always, won’t cost any orbs.

Additionally,a new map, Securing a Foothold, is now available in Tactics Drills: Grandmaster. Find it in Story Maps to test your skills. (You must complete Book I, Chapter 13 of the main story to take on Grandmaster maps.) A preview of the map can be seen here:

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have published a new “Renewed Spirit” video for Fire Emblem Heroes. In the video below, you can watch a conversation between some of the game’s characters.

Fire Emblem Heroes has kicked off a new round of events in celebration of New Year’s. These include the Renewed Spirit, New Year’s of Fire and Ice, and Happy New Year summoning events, Voting Gauntlet: Kingdoms vs. Empires, log-in bonuses, Aether Raid event, and New Year! quests.

It’s also been announced that Tempest Trials+: Mid-fest Digest is starting soon. Players will be able to obtain the 5-star Special Hero Eir: Renewed Life and three Sacred Seals: Swift Sparrow 1, Spd Feint 1, and HD/Def 1.

The next Tempest Trials+ event will start soon in Fire Emblem Heroes. It’ll run from January 3 till January 14. Called “Mid-fest Digest”, the big rewards this time are a 5-star Eir: Renewed Life and three seals: Swift Sparrow 1, Spd Feint 1 and HP/Def 1. The bonus allies for the event are Alfonse: Askran Duo, Anna: Wealth-Wisher, Lethe: New Year’s Claw, Selkie: New Year’s Spirit, Eir: Renewed Life, Ranulf: Friend of Nations, Lethe: Gallia’s Valkyrie and Selkie: Free Spirit.

Starting today until January 14, there’s also a Summoning Focus that’ll be helpful in getting three of these bonus allies as they are the 5-star focus units of this Summoning Focus – Ranulf: Friend of Nations, Lethe: Gallia’s Valkyrie and Selkie: Free Spirit.

Allegiance Battle Quests are now on in Fire Emblem Heroes. Players will be able to take on special battles where foes continuously appear. Up to five orbs can be earned through these skirmishes, a hefty stockpile for anyone wanting to save up for the new type of Hero featuring two characters side by side that was added this year: the Duo Hero. Keep your eyes peeled for more special banners and news to come.

Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 10 has returned as the latest event in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who showed up before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes in this week’s summoning focus revival.

You’ll be able to partake in Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 10 until January 5.

Bound Hero Battle Revival: Leif & Nanna started today in Fire Emblem Heroes. It features a pair of characters from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. On top of that, there are quests that reward Orbs for defeating foes with Sharena: Princess of Askr and Fjorm: Princess of Ice.

Fire Emblem Heroes will be hosting Bound Hero Battle Revival: Leif & Nanna until January 4.

Renewed Spirit has been announced as the next summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. Anna, Selkie, Lethe, and Alfonse (duo) will be featured. A new paralogue story is also planned.

Fire Emblem Heroes will host Renewed Spirit starting December 31 / January 1 depending on your location. We have a trailer for the event below.

Players can now challenge the Blood of the Queen map. This new sortie can be found in Tactics Drills: Skill Studies. Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills. Also, a general reminder to check your in-game rewards, as the present from Sothis can only be claimed until Dec. 31, 10:59 PM PT.

Fire Emblem Heroes has a few different events running featuring Celica and more.

First up, the Legendary Hero summoning event with Celica: Queen of Valentia is live with other 5-star Legendary Heroes and Mythic Heroes. And to celebrate the character’s appearance, she can be found in Special Maps along with Legendary Hero Battles for Robin, Hrid, and Roy as well as Mythic Hero Battles for Naga and Thrasir.

In other news, Mjolnir’s Strike is live in which all players cooperate to protect the Kingdom of Askr from the advancing army of the god of war, Thorr. Lastly, Sothis has sent everyone a special gift for the holidays.

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