Fire Emblem Heroes: Tempest Trials+ event now live
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The next Tempest Trials+ event is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. It’ll run from today till October 24. The big rewards this time are a 5-star Rolf: Tricky Archer and three seals: Swift Stance 1, Defiant Atk 1 and Chill Def 1. The bonus allies for this event are Hector: Dressed-Up Duo, L’Arachel: Harvest Princess, Dozla: Harvest Attendant, Ilyana: Treat Harvester, Rolf: Tricky Archer, Hector: General of Ostia, L’Arachel: Princess of Light and Oscar: Agile Horseman.
Fire Emblem Heroes hosting Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 19
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 19 is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes, an the focus lineup changes each week.
Note that this event will run until October 20.
Fire Emblem Heroes hosting Grand Hero Battle Revival – Rutger: Lone Swordsman, Special Heroes Revival: The Land’s Bounty
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Grand Hero Battle Revival – Rutger: Lone Swordsman is now running in Fire Emblem Heroes. The Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade character can be obtained as an ally after defeating him in Special Maps. Limited-time special quests are also available.
Special Heroes Revival: The Land’s Bounty is also live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Costume-clad Special Heroes ready for a spooky night are back, and can be obtained as part of the 5-star summoning focus.
Fire Emblem Heroes: next Tempest Trials+ coming soon, Summoning Focus live, new event calendar, Aether Resorts issue fixed
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The next Tempest Trials+ event has been announced for Fire Emblem Heroes. It’ll run from October 14 till October 24. The big rewards this time are a 5-star Rolf: Tricky Archer and three seals: Swift Stance 1, Defiant Atk 1 and Chill Def 1. The bonus allies for this event are Hector: Dressed-Up Duo, L’Arachel: Harvest Princess, Dozla: Harvest Attendant, Ilyana: Treat Harvester, Rolf: Tricky Archer, Hector: General of Ostia, L’Arachel: Princess of Light and Oscar: Agile Horseman.
A Summoning Focus featuring some of these bonus allies is now live. The 5-star focus units are Hector: General of Ostia, L’Arachel: Princess of Light and Oscar: Agile Horseman. The Summoning Focus will be available until October 24.
The recent issue with an Aether Resort quest has been resolved. Players who already built a Field in Aether Resorts the day before the quest with that objective went live were unable to complete the quest. The quest objective has now been changed to “KO a Foe”, so everyone can now complete it.
Finally, a new event calendar has been released, detailing upcoming ingame events up through early November. Head past the break to check it out:
Fire Emblem Heroes: Hall of Forms event now live, Tactics Drills updated
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The new Hall of Forms event has gone live in Fire Emblem Heroes. It’ll be available until October 24. Hall of Forms has players use special rental units called Forma and try to advance to through increasingly difficult battles. The first Forma to defeat an enemy in each battle gets the option to learn a skill or increase its merge count after the battle. The major rewards for this event include orbs and Dragonflowers. Additionally, there’s also a daily reward to be gained for up to seven days by clearing one battle each day.
Also, since it’s Thursday, a new map has been added to Tactics Drills. “Black Fang, Certain Death!” can be found in the Grandmaster section; clearing it gets you 300 feathers.
Fire Emblem Heroes hosting Harvest Festival Celebration with a series of events, A Monstrous Harvest summoning event now live
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes is ringing in the fall season with a whole bunch of events. These include Aether Raids quests, Bound Hero Battle revivals, and more.
Here’s the full rundown:
Fire Emblem Heroes version 3.10.0 now available
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has been updated to version 3.10.0. Many of the changes were already outlined in the recent Feh Channel episode, but here are the most important new features:
- The Field and Dining Hall can now be built in the Aether Resort; grow crops on the Field and cook them into dishes in the Dining Hall. Depending on the ingredients used, each dish gets a rating – the higher the rating, the more feathers you get for the dish. You can also grow Dragonflowers in the Field.
- A new type of Hero, the Duo Hero, has been added. Duo Heroes have a new special type of skill, the Duo Skill. The first Duo Hero is Hector: Dressed-Up Duo.
- Two new structures have been added to Aether Raids: Duo Indulgence and Duo Hindrance. If Duo’s Indulgence is placed on a map, the first Duo Skill used between turn 1 and turn X can be used a second time, where X is the structure’s level + 2 (Maximum of two uses. Only One use per turn). If Duo’s Hindrance is placed on a map and a Duo Hero is on your defensive team, your foe cannot use Duo Skills between turn 1 and turn X, where X is the structure’s level + 2.
- Aether Resort changes: up to 12 Heroes may be invited to the Resort. Three new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Story 6: Marth and Caeda’s Talk” from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, “The Beginning” from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and “As You will It” from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
- The next new event, Hall of Forms, makes its debut on October 10th.
- The following Heroes can learn new character-specific weapon skills at 5-stars: Hawkeye: Desert Guardian (Guardian’s Axe), Frederick: Polite Knight (Frederick’s Axe) and Virion: Elite Archer (Dignified Bow). Also, the weapon of Lute: Prodigy, Weirding Tome, has new refining options available in the Weapon Refinery.
- Two more Heroes are now available to summon via Heroic Grails: Death Knight: The Reaper and Sigrun: Loyal Protector.
Fire Emblem Heroes: Heroes with Hone/Fortify skills Summoning Focus now live
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new skill-based Summoning Focus has gone live in Fire Emblem Heroes. This time, the 5-star focus units are those with Hone or Fortify skills: Lethe: Gallia’s Valkyrie, Kliff: Curious Spirit and Leanne: Forest’s Song. This Summoning Focus will be available until October 15.
Fire Emblem Heroes – A Monstrous Harvest summoning event trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes is gearing up for Halloween with a new summoning event, A Monstrous Harvest. Ilyana, L’Arachel, Dozla, and Hector will all be featured. A new paralogue story is also planned.
Fire Emblem Heroes – A Monstrous Harvest starts on October 9. View a trailer for the event below.
Fire Emblem Heroes hosting Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 18, Three Heroes quests
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 18 is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes, and the focus lineup changes each week.
Three Heroes quests are also available. Players have the chance to add the 3-star Jakob: Devoted Servant, Seth: Silver Knight, and Mathilda: Legendary Knight to their army by clearing these events.