Pokemon Red and Green were originally planned to have over 65,000 versions, reveals Game Freak
Posted on 2 years ago by Elias in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Did You Know Gaming has wrenched old interviews out of the archives to find that Game Freak’s original plans for Pokemon Red and Green included 65,535 variations of the games. Using the Trainer ID system as a base for this, players would be assigned a Trainer ID between 1 and 65,000 and this number would affect which Pokemon would spawn in game as well as the appearances of some forest areas in the world. “We also considered having each game generate a random ID number the first time it was booted up and that number would determine which Pokémon appeared in the game.” programmer Takenori Oota stated in a Japan-only book titled ‘PokeDex’ from 1996.
In another old interview published in a 1997 issue of Famimaga 64, Game Freak founder Satoshi Tajiri states:
“The shape of a forest, the Pokémon that would appear, I wanted to make a game that would be different for everyone but it was difficult. So I went to consult with Shigeru Miyamoto from Nintendo, and we ended up deciding to make it so that depending on the colour – whether Red or Green – the worlds would be parallel, but different.”
Check out the full video below as they explore the abandoned mechanic:
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Red/Green
Pokemon Sword & Shield – Australia, Germany, and Switzerland to receive Zarude distribution event
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in News | 0 comments
As a celebratory event to herald in the arrival of the new TCG set “Vivid Voltage,” Australia, Germany, and Switzerland are receiving a distribution event for the Mythical Pokemon Zarude. This event will be handled via a code and will run from Nov. 13 – Dec. 13th. While there are no official announcements for this event in other countries as of now, we will definitely keep posted and update if this happens to change.
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword/Shield – more mystery gift Pokemon and item sets, including Galarian Ponyta, Corsola, and Meowth
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The Pokemon Company recently announced that they would make Galarian Mr. Mime and a ball set available to Pokemon Sword and Shield players via a mystery gift . Now, they have added three more Pokemon, along with more item sets to accompany them (usually different types of pokeballs but also other items).
These Pokemon include Galarian Ponyta, Corsola, and Meowth and their run times have also been given. Check out the specifics of their item sets and the exact running times of each below:
Pokemon Sword & Shield – next online competition announced
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The next online competition has been announced for Pokemon Sword & Shield. Called “Extreme Speed! Single Battles!!”, the competition shortens turn times, Pokemon selection times and more, allowing for fast-paced battles that require players to act fast. Dynamaxing is banned. All Pokemon except Mythicals are allowed to take part, even those transferred through Pokemon Home. Here are the full rules:
Registration Date
March 12th 2020 05:00 UTC – March 19th 2020 23:59 UTC
Battle Date
March 20th 2020 00:00 UTC – March 22nd 23:59 UTC
Single Battle
Region: International
Battle Format: Singles Battles
Battle Limits: 15 Battles per day
Match Time: 10 Minutes
Player Time: 5 Minutes
Turn Time: 10 Seconds
Pokémon Select Time: 30 Seconds
Pokémon Restrictions: Legendary & Mythical Pokémon Banned.
Dynamax: Banned
Transfered Pokémon: Allowed
Pokémon Limits: Team of 1 selected of 6 Pokémon from Level 1 to Level 100. All Pokémon then set to Level 50
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword & Shield: next online competition Galar Newcomers announced
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The next online battle competition for Pokemon Sword & Shield has been announced. Titled Galar Newcomers, the only allowed Pokemon are those that were discovered in the Galar region as well as Galarian Forms, excluding Zacian and Zamazenta. The format will be Double Battles. All participating players get 50 BP.
Currently, there’s some confusion over the exact timing of this competition. The English version of the description states that registration for the competition is now open until January 30th, 23:59 UTC, and that battles will run from January 31st 00:00 until February 2nd 23:59 UTC. However, the Japanese version of the description says that registration is open from January 16th through January 23rd 23:59 UTC and that battles will run from January 24th 00:00 UTC till January 26th 23:59 UTC. Registration actually isn’t open right now, despite what the English description claims, so the Japanese dates being correct seems more likely. We will keep you updated once this has been cleared up.
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword & Shield: new Wild Area event now live, higher chance of Shiny Magikarp in Max Raid Battles
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
A new Wild Area event has started in Pokemon Sword & Shield. Until 23:59 UTC on January 3rd, you will have a higher chance of encountering Magikarp in Max Raid Battles. Additionally, these Magikarp have a higher chance of being Shiny and you get more Nuggets than usual when clearing the raid.
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword and Shield – Delibird Max Raid event
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in News, Switch | 0 comments
A new Max Raid Battle is now available for players of Pokemon Sword and Shield. Delibird will be available to challenge in the Wild Area until December 25th 2019 at 23:59 UTC. The Delibird event will see players rewarded with Candy items. If you can’t seem to encounter this festive bird, be sure to update your Wild Area news in game.
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword & Shield – Special Pokeball Mystery Gift codes now available
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in News | 0 comments
Two sets of codes have been revealed to redeem in Pokémon Sword & Shield. The codes will be available for players to redeem until January 15th, 2020. You can see the codes here, along with what you will receive by redeeming them. Note that only one of each ball will be received per player, and that the codes can only be redeemed once per save file.
- K0UN1NMASC0T: Fast Ball, Moon Ball, Level Ball
- 1YAHAYA: Heavy Ball, Lure Ball, Beast Ball
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword & Shield sold 6 million copies globally in its first week
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
We already knew that Pokemon Sword & Shield were selling well due to retail numbers from Japan and the UK, but now we have a much clearer idea of its global success: The Pokemon Company announced today that the games have sold 6 million copies worldwide in their first week on the market. 2 million copies have been sold in Japan alone.
More: Gamefreak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword, top
Pokemon Sword & Shield: “Your adventure begins” launch trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are now available worldwide. To celebrate the occasion, Nintendo put together a launch trailer for this newest generation of Pokemon games: