Cricket 19: The Official Game of the Ashes launches May 28, digital-only on Switch
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Big Ant Studios, along with with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and Maximum Games, have dated Cricket 19: The Official Game of the Ashes. It’ll be out around the world on May 28.
Here’s a bit of information about the game:
Bendy and the Ink Machine’s physical version will no longer be GameStop-exclusive starting in April
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
When Bendy and the Ink Machine launched on Switch several months ago, GameStop had the exclusivity with the physical release. In just a few weeks, copies will be more widely available.
Maximum Games announced a partnership with Rooster Teeth Games and Joey Drew Studios today to bring Bendy and the Ink Machine to all major North American retailers. The likes of Amazon and Best Buy should be selling the first-person puzzle horror title starting April 23.
Aside from the current physical version at GameStop, Bendy and the Ink Machine is out now digitally on the Switch eShop.
Source: Maximum Games PR
Maximum Games putting Hunting Simulator on Switch
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Every now and then, the odd Switch game pops up. Hunting Simulator is the latest example of that, with Amazon listing it for a tentative June 26 release.
Hunting Simulator lets you track 37 species with their own realistic animal behavior. You’ll find big and small game, predators, waterfowl, and more. The game has a total of 12 regions based on real hunting areas in Europe and North America, 17 firearms, and roughly 50 accessories. Other features include dynamic weather and time of day cycles, a shooting range, a free hunt mode, and the ability to play with up to three friends.
We have a few screenshots from Hunting Simulator below. The official boxart is attached above.
More: Hunting Simulator, Maximum Games
Troll and I Switch footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 39 Comments
Update: Bumped to the top. The same person has uploaded more footage from Troll and I on Switch after a hard reboot. The performance is better, fortunately. Still, it’s worrisome to hear about the various issues with the game thus far.
Original: Troll and I was put on Switch today. If you’re curious as to what the game is all about, check out some footage below. Just be aware of that game breaking bug… and what looks to be massive performance issues.
More: Maximum Games, Spiral House, Troll and I
Troll and I has a game breaking bug on Switch, but can be fixed
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 15 Comments
Troll and I is available on Switch today. Unfortunately, the game has a significant issue just a few minutes in, though it can be taken care of somewhat easily.
Nintendo Life came across the bug roughly 10-15 minutes in. Following a QTE sequence of sorts in which the main character slides down a hill, players defeat an enemy and look for crafting items. However, when attempting to leap over a hill to progress to the next area, an endless loading screen appears.
More: Maximum Games, Spiral House, Troll and I
Troll and I Switch launch trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 12 Comments
Troll and I is out today on Switch. Have a look at the official launch trailer for the game below.
More: Maximum Games, Spiral House, Troll and I
Troll and I file size, Switch screenshots
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Switch | 14 Comments
Troll and I now has a listing on the North American Switch eShop. If you plan on purchasing the game digitally when it launches next month, you’ll need 6.3GB of free space.
The eShop listing also has a few screenshots of Troll & I. We’ve published them in the gallery below.
Source: Switch eShop
More: file size, Maximum Games, Spiral House, Troll and I
Troll and I releasing for Switch on August 15, latest trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 4 Comments
Troll and I will be available for Switch on August 15, Maximum Games has confirmed. The game had been announced for Nintendo’s console earlier this year.
The Switch version of Troll and I lets players use the Joy-Con controllers for both solo and split-screen co-op gameplay.
Here’s the latest trailer:
A patch for Troll and I will be issued on other formats with a number of improvements:
– Addition of a mini-map
– Additional checkpoints
– Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty settings
– Increased crafting speed
– New tutorials
– Additional text hints
– Increased resources for crafting and survivability
– Overall balance improvements
According to Maximum Games, the Switch version will receive these changes when it launches in August. The game will be priced at $29.99.
Source: Maximum Games PR
More: Maximum Games, Spiral House, Troll and I
Extinction being considered for Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Nick in News | 3 Comments
DualShockers got a chance to talk to Maximum Games about their upcoming game Extinction. In the interview Derek Neal, Executive Producer, had this to say on the Switch demand.
“As far as Extinction, it wasn’t part of our original plan to bring Extinction to the Switch, but actually we’ve gotten this question a lot. A lot of people seem excited about the prospect of having this title on the Switch, so we are re-evaluating those options and seeing if maybe that is something we want to do. But that decision hasn’t been made yet”
It is also noted that Neal isn’t part of the core Iron Galaxy team and that he believes that team members have been involved with some Switch development. You can check out some more tidbits from the interview below.
More: Extinction, Maximum Games
Troll and I launch trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 9 Comments
Troll and I’s initial launch is taking place today, so Maximum Games is coming out with a new trailer for the game. The Switch release will take place “soon”. For now, view the video below.