Disgaea 5 Complete launching at the end of May
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 2 Comments
Update: May 23 for North America, just announced at NIS America’s press event.
Disgaea 5 Complete had previously been targeted for Spring 2017 on Switch. Thanks to the latest issue of MCV, we now have a concrete date.
MCV has Disgaea 5 Complete down for May 26. We should point out that this news comes from a UK magazine, but we expect the North American release to be planned for around the same time, if not the same day.
NIS America senior associate producer Alan Costa told MCV:
“Both versions are the same. However, the Switch version features all the DLC from the PS4 version. We will definitely be emphasizing that all DLC can be found on the Switch version as well as highlighting that the game can be played at home or on the go.”
Bonus playable characters and new scenarios encompass the included DLC. The content “adds many more hours of content and strategy to the base game as well as allowing series’ fans to enjoy their favorites from past games.”
More: Alan Costa, Nippon Ichi, NIS America
NIS on porting from PS4 to Switch, why Disgaea 5 was chosen as first game for the system
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 28 Comments
Nippon Ichi Software president Sohei Niikawa participated in interviews with both 4Gamer and Famitsu. In talking with both sites, he discussed Disgaea 5 Complete and Switch development.
First, on 4Gamer, Niikawa touched on porting from PS4 to Switch. Regarding that, he said the difficulty varies depending on how each studio approaches development. It was relatively smooth for Disgaea. There was nothing NIS had to downgrade, and he noted that even in portable mode, the experience still remain same as PS4 version.
More: Disgaea 5 Complete, interview, Nippon Ichi, Sohei Niikawa, top
Nippon Ichi: Switch and PS4 multiplatform development “very much a possibility”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 23 Comments
Nippon Ichi is currently bringing Disgaea 5 Complete to Switch. However, it’s likely that the company’s support for Nintendo’s new platform won’t end there.
Famitsu recently interviewed Nippon Ichi CEO Sohei Shinkawa, and talked about all things Switch. At one point, Shinkawa mentioned that Switch and PS4 multiplatform development is “very much a possibility” going forward.
He said:
“As you’ve said, we are a software company that has grown together with PlayStation, and are well aware that a lot of our fans are on PlayStation platforms. So it is not as if we will stop developing games for PlayStation. Overseas, PlayStation 4 sales are incredibly strong and we will continue making games for the PlayStation 4 platform.
However, in Japan we can’t just ignore the move to portable gaming consoles. Our games are well suited for portable gaming, so when you think about it, it is important for PS4 and Nintendo Switch to balance each other out and do well. With that in mind, from here on multiplatform development for PS4 and Nintendo Switch is very much a possibility.”
More: interview, Nippon Ichi, Sohei Shinkawa, top
More off-screen Disgaea 5 Complete footage
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 Comments
ntower has shared another round of off-screen gameplay from Disgaea 5 Complete. Get a look at the latest footage below.