Pokemon Sun/Moon maintenance taking place tonight / tomorrow
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are set to undergo maintenance tonight / tomorrow. All of the network services in the games will be impacted for around 90 minutes.
Here’s the schedule:
– 5:30 PM PT (June 19) – 7 PM PT (June 19)
– 8:30 PM ET (June 19) – 10 PM ET (June 19)
– 1:30 AM in the UK (June 20) – 3 AM in the UK (June 20)
– 2:30 AM in Europe (June 20) – 4 AM in Europe (June 20)
More: maintenance, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Sun/Moon – full details on Marshadow
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Videos | 25 Comments
The Pokemon Sun/Moon website has updated with full details on Marshadow. That’s posted below, along with an English equivalent of yesterday’s video clip.
CATEGORY: Gloomdweller Pokémon
TYPE: Fighting/Ghost
HEIGHT: 2’04”
WEIGHT: 48.9 lbs.
ABILITY: TechnicianKnown as the Gloomdweller Pokémon, the Mythical Pokémon Marshadow conceals itself in the shadows. It never appears before humans, so its very existence is the stuff of myth. Marshadow sinks into the shadows of others, and is able to copy their movements and power.
Marshadow is a very cautious Pokémon. It sinks into shadows and observes what is going on around it in such a way that no one else will notice it. This may be the reason why is so rarely seen.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Sun/Moon – Marshadow clip
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
7月15日(土)公開のポケモン映画を劇場で見ると、通常のプレイでは出会うことのできない幻のポケモン「マーシャドー」を『サン・ムーン』にプレゼント! マーシャドー専用のZワザ「しちせいだっこんたい」を初公開!https://t.co/cWgCB3PoT0#キミにきめた #ポケモン pic.twitter.com/MfZVJqkkGu
— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) June 15, 2017
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Japan’s Marshadow distribution fully detailed for Pokemon Sun/Moon
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
The Pokemon Company hasn’t said how it will be handling the distribution of Marshadow in the west. But in Japan, we have full details.
The Marshadow will be offered as part of a tie in with Pokemon the Movie 20: I Choose You!. It’ll be at level 50 with the moves Spectral Thief, Close Combat, Force Palm and Shadow Ball. The Marshadium Z Z-Crystal is included as well.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
CoroCoro leak reveals more information on Marshadow and Ho-Oh disturbutions in Japan
Posted on 7 years ago by Andrew in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
This month’s CoroCoro issue has started to leak early. Last month we reported that CoroCoro would be revealing new information on the Mythical Pokemon, Marshadow and it looks like they did. Marshadow will be distributed with the new Pokemon movie on July 15th 2017 in Japan. There is also some artwork for Marshadow when it uses its special moves and its Z-Move called Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike.
CoroCoro also reconfirms that Ho-Oh distribution happening via Serial Code is still happen in next month’s issue of the magazine.
More: CoroCoro, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Global Mission #7 a success, eighth mission begins on June 27
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
The seventh Pokemon Global Mission for Pokemon Sun / Moon is now over. 1,228,170 items & Pokemon were collected at rare fishing spots, meaning it was a success. Those who participated can receive 2,000 FC, or 4,000 FC if the game is connected to the Global Link. Distribution of the Lure Ball and Rare Candy event will be happening later this month and will be given through Serial Code on the Global Link.
In other news, the eighth Pokemon Global Mission has a date. It’ll take place on June 27 and involves successfully defending your Champion title in the Pokemon League.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Sun/Moon update out now (version 1.2)
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 6 Comments
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon have received a new update. Version 1.2 is out now, and is required to play online.
The new patch addresses these issues:
• Pokémon being unable to attack and switch when Sky Drop is used and when knocked out by damage done by Spiky Shield.
• A glitch in Poké Pelago when entering a new month.
• A rare case where the game ends after using an Evolution item as the last item in your Bag.
• Scatterbug sometimes not learning Egg Moves.
• Eggs sometimes being able to be given items.
• A glitch ending the tournament when pre-registered for an online Friendly Competition (e.g. entry gets canceled or the Battle Teams get unlocked).
Note: after version 1.2 has been installed, any Battle Videos saved prior to the update cannot be played or shared.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Sun & Moon online services undergoing maintenance today/tomorrow
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Nintendo scheduled a rather sudden maintenance period for Pokemon Sun & Moon. For three hours, all online services of both games will be unavailable. Below are the exact times:
– 5 PM PT (May 16) / 8 PM PT (May 16)
– 8 PM ET (May 16) – 11 PM ET (May 16)
– 1 AM in the UK (May 17) – 4 AM in the UK (May 17)
– 2: AM in Europe (May 17) – 5 AM in Europe (May 17)
More: maintenance, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Sun/Moon – new Mega Stones available with code
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon have been updated with a new global event. By using the code “AZUL”, players can receive the Mega Stones for Mega Steelix and Mega Pidgeot along with the Heracronite and Houndoominite for Mega Heracross and Mega Houndoom. As of now, there is no end date known for the distribution.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Toys “R” Us locations holding Pokemon event on Saturday – free Tapu Koko poster and more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Toys “R” Us locations will be holding a special Pokemon event this Saturday. Between 1 PM and 3 PM local time, Pokemon Sun/Moon will be playable. Giveaways and activities are also planned.
Attendees will be provided with a free Tapu Koko poster when they play the Pokemon Sun/Moon demo. Other goodies include a free Alolan Vulpix foil card, TCG collector’s album, and Eevee figure for the first 50 visitors.

Participating locations are as follows: