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Raw Fury

At the Tokyo Game Show last week, the upcoming Switch game Dandara was shown off with several minutes of footage. Watch the recording below.

Kingdom: New Lands recently launched on Switch. Unfortunately, the game suffers from some notable issues. We’re talking big frame rate drops, crashes, system freezes, lost progress in saves, and more. The game definitely needs some work.

This video shows off some of Kingdom’s problems on Switch:

Kingdom: New Lands is now available on the Switch eShop. Take a look at the game’s official launch trailer below.

Raw Fury had a playable demo of Dandara running at PAX this past week. View some off-screen footage of the game below.

Kingdom: Two Crowns (not to be confused with the first game Kingdom: New Lands, coming to Switch this month) was playable at PAX this past week. Get a look at some off-screen footage below.

Yesterday, Raw Fury announced Uurnog Uurnlimited. It’s a new game created by Nifflas, who worked on games like Affordable Space Adventures and Knytt Underground.

One interesting thing about Uurnog Uurnlimited concerns custom levels. After launch, a level editor for the Steam version will be offered, which hooks into the Steam Workshop. This will let players share and download stages.

Interestingly, levels created here will be available on Switch. Raw Fury was originally thinking about offering a curated selection of custom levels as post-launch DLC on the system, but Nintendo suggested hooking the Workshop in directly instead. Levels are probably going to be filtered in some way. Raw Fury and Nintendo hope that the moves offers a more streamlined way of downloading new maps.


Kingdom: New Lands could be joining the European Switch eShop very soon. According to a listing on the store, it’ll be launching on September 14. The game was previously announced during the first Nindies Showcase earlier this year.

Here’s a lengthy overview:

Nifflas and Raw Fury are teaming up to put the new game Uurnog Uurnlimited on Switch, the two sides announced today. Nintendo fans may recognize Nifflas for the Wii U eShop games Affordable Space Adventures and Knytt Underground.

Here’s a lengthy overview:

GoNNER is now available on the Switch eShop worldwide. Take a look at the official launch trailer below.

GoNNER footage

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos | 1 Comment

Following a brief delay, GoNNER will be available on the Switch eShop this Thursday. You can view some footage of the game below.

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