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Square Enix

Another round of Final Fantasy Explorers DLC has launched in Japan.

First up, the Samurai job has been added free of charge. This job features high physical attack power that can handle both short and long range weapons. It’s an all-range attacker-type job class best with katanas and katana skills.

Along with the Samurai job, Square Enix is offering the Omega boss for 400 yen. The creature can be found at the Great Waterfall of Maxon, and comes equipped with a number of weapons.



Square Enix has announced that Dragon Quest X: Legend of the Ancient Dragon Online (Dragon Quest X Version 3) is coming to Japan on April 30. It will be available for Wii U, Wii, and PC.

Dragon Quest X Version 3 will be seeing a retail release in stores. This packaged version will cost 3,800 yen. A downloadable version is also planned for Wii U.


Square Enix released Final Fantasy 1 alongside Final Fantasy Explorers as a first-print bonus, complete with 3D support. Now the game is being released on the Japanese 3DS eShop next week.

Final Fantasy 1 is due out on January 21 for 1,080 yen. View some screenshots above.


Another round of Bravely Second details have in from today’s live stream event. We’ve rounded up the information below.

– They recorded a certain character’s song recently; keeping it a secret for now
– The asterisk holder for the Exorcist job is named Geist – Bloody Geist
– He’s voiced by Takumi Yamazaki
– The designer for the Exorcist is Yokoyan
– The buster ships are used to combat Maou in space
– The more you have, the lower you can drop a Maou’s level so that they’ll be beatable by your party
– You can team up with friends’ buster ships to do this
– This feature will be added into an update for the demo which will also include the Exorcist job as well
– Maou battles will still use the Revo track because they had him compose it to be the main Maou theme from the get go
– Edea will be back in Bravely Second
– Asterisk holder of the Tomahawk job, Aimy Matchlock, speaks with a distinct Hiroshima accent
– While talking about her dialect, the developers asked themselves how the localization will be handled in this regard, since you can’t really replicate the Hiroshima accent in English
– Asano then joked that they’re doing everything they can to give the localization translators as hard of a time as possible
– Magnolia Arch speaks “fluent” English
– Everyone on the moon speaks fluent English, which is where Magnolia is from

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

Square Enix revealed a new job for Bravely Second during today’s live stream for the game known as the Exorcist. Here’s what we know:

– 4 party members shown playing as the Exorcist job
– Can turn back time with the “Never Happened” ability
– Go back up to 3 turns
– Ex: showed Nikolai taking some damage, and Magnolia used the “Never Happened HP” and it reverted his health back to what it was before he took damage
– This ability can also work when players get incapacitated
– As such, Exorcist is considered more of a healing class
– Since you can use it on other characters, it’ll come in handy, as they’ll be able to charge up with Defaults while always keeping their health the way it was
– The cost for Never Happened is relatively low
– Other Exorcist abilities will be revealed in the future
– Square Enix also showed the Asterisk Holder for the Exorcist job
– He’s a pretty creepy character, and was shown taking a slash attack, only to have it recover, as if it never even happened
– Illustration above made by yokoyan, who has worked on several occasions with Bravely Default composer revo on cover art, and more

On another note, Square Enix confirmed that Bravely Second will include roughly 30 jobs.


A trio of Dragon Quest games for 3DS are receiving re-releases in Japan. Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D, Dragon Quest VII, and Dragon Quest Monsters 2 will be available on March 12 under Square Enix’s “Ultimate Hits” line. Pricing is set at 2,800 yen each.

We previously heard that Square Enix had 3DS theme plans for Bravely Second. Now we have a look at one of the special home menu designs. I don’t believe it’s widely available yet, but some 3DS owners already have access to the theme above after obtaining it at Jump Festa 2015.


Square Enix has released more DLC for Final Fantasy Explorers in Japan. For 150 yen each, players can obtain costumes for Lightning (featuring Blaze Edge sword as a weapon), Cecil (Holy Sword as a weapon), and Bartz in his Dissidia: Final Fantasy costume (Brave Blade as his weapon). Dragon’s Soul and Ultimate Battle quests have already been released for free.


Yuji Horii, the creator of Dragon Quest, shared a message on the official Dragon Quest X website to ring in 2015. Horii touched on what’s planned for the franchise in the near and far future as Dragon Quest’s 30th anniversary approaches.

The message in full states:

Happy New Year, everyone. There is just one year to go until the 30th anniversary of Dragon Quest.

In February, we will release Dragon Quest Heroes, and in March, Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. Additionally, while still to be announced, there are many projects in planning as we head towards the 30th anniversary. And then there’s the release of Dragon Quest X Version 3.0 in the spring. Together alongside our fans and development staff, I hope we keep making the series even bigger and better!

Life is a role-playing game. Here’s to many more years to come of Dragon Quest!

Given that Dragon Quest’s 30th anniversary is next year, that could be when we hear about the series’ next core entry – Dragon Quest XI.


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