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Stealth Inc 2

Stealth Inc seemed like the furthest thing from a Wii U eShop release when it came out in 2013. The PlayStation versions came and went, and there was no word on a release for Nintendo’s console.

Still, when time for planning a sequel came around, something within Curve Studios clicked. This led to the company announcing Stealth Inc 2 as a Wii U exclusive – at least for the time being – back in May, which surprised quite a number of folks. For Wii U owners though, it’s great news.

We sat down via email (wait a second…) with Rob Clarke from Curve Studios to ask about Stealth Inc 2, working on Wii U, and the company’s other beloved gaming baby Fluidity. I think you’ll enjoy much of what they have to say:

Entertainment Buddha reports that Stealth Inc 2 will release on October 23. Additionally, the site shares a bunch of new details. You can find them all rounded up below.

– Metroidvania inspired overworld
– Focused on stealth gameplay
– The goggles that the clones wear reflect this in a visual manner
– Red means you’re visible, green means your hidden
– Fusion of gameplay from other franchises like Castlevania, Metroid, and Zelda
– Explore the overworld with platforming gameplay
– Gadgets are in the game
– Co-op as well
– In the overworld, explore the cloning facility en route to the game’s test chambers which provide the meat of the gameplay and puzzles for the clone to solve so he can save his brethren
– Overworld is massive and completely explorable
– Some parts can’t be accessed until a new gadget is found
– 500 individual levels in the overworld
– Upwards of 20 hours of gameplay
– Test chambers need to be tackled in order
– These are made up of a series of puzzles that involve switches, movable blocks, and other clones that need to be rescued so you can use them to reach the exit
– These sections of test chambers will also have a boss to beat
– Can only defeat the boss with the specific gadget found in the test chambers that make up that particular level
– 6 gadgets
– Gadgets include inflate-a-mate, jackboy, and me-too
– Inflate-a-mate can be used to depress switches, or as a trampoline to spring the clone to new heights
– Me-too can be used to create a new clone that can be strategically placed on the map to access new areas
– In co-op, one player controls the main clone while the second player uses the Wii U GamePad to control the gadgets
– Once the first gadget is found the second player can start getting in on the action
– Use of light is key
– 60FPS


Curve Studios marketing manager Rob Clarke confirmed to Destructoid that Lone Survivor will be available for Wii U in November. Additionally, The Swapper and Stealth Inc 2 will follow within the month.

On the topic of new content for the Wii U version of Lone Survivor, Curve Studios marketing manager Rob Clarke said:

“We’re not adding any new content to Lone Survivor, as we added such a huge amount when we originally made the Director’s Cut edition for PlayStation last year. But we’ll have all the content in from the start and we’re making full use of the GamePad.”


Curve Studios is wrapping up work on the Wii U exclusive title Stealth Inc 2. The game is said to be “in the final straits now”, according to the company’s Jonathan Biddle.

Biddle tweeted a status update for Stealth Inc 2 earlier today while also revealing that the game is about twice as big as the original.

He said:


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