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Top Hat Studios

Eastasia Soft, Top Hat Studios, and Pippin Games have announced that Kawaii Deathu Desu is releasing soon on Switch. The beat ’em up title will arrive digitally on the eShop on April 16.

Here’s an overview of Oawaii Deathu Desu, along with a trailer:

Top Hat Studios announced today that it is bringing the Metroidvania game Redo: Enhanced Edition to Switch. A specific release date hasn’t been announced, though we know it’s set for release sometime in Q3 2020.

Here’s an overview of Redo:

Publisher Top Hat Studios and developer Hiromu65 have issued a third trailer for Thief’s Roulette, a story-driven puzzle game. View it below.

After being crowd-funded via Kickstarter, Thief’s Roulette will be coming to Switch and other platforms courtesy of Top Hat Studios. This choice-driven puzzle game draws inspiration by such games as Danganronpa and Zero Escape. A new PC demo of  the title is planned for release “soon.” The full game was last announced as planned for release this spring. Take a look at an overview from the publisher after the break, as well as a trailer:

Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story

Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is the latest Kickstarter success story. A campaign for the game recently reached its initial $10,000 target, and has also now achieved a Switch stretch goal.

Developed by Suzaku and published by Top Hat Games, Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is 2.5D adventure game inspired by Clock Tower and Fatal Frame. It intends to act as a “return the horror genre to its roots; celebrating the slow, fearful creep of dread instead of relying on over the top action and jump scares.”

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