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Virtual Console

Clarifying some words from last week, Sega have released an official statement in regards to the claims made by producer Yosuke Okunari last week on Twitter. Okunari claimed that Sega games were not in the cards for Wii U Virtual Console, but a Sega representative has come out and said the following on the matter:

Sega would like to clarify a statement that was issued over Twitter. All options are currently on the table concerning development for the Wii U Virtual Console. Although there are no immediate plans, this does not negate the possibility and exploration of creating for this platform.

Source, via

Wii U eShop

Three new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Super Chinese (Famicom), Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA) and Mario vs. Donkey Kong (GBA) will be out on July 23. Pricing is set at 514 yen for the Famicom game and 702 yen for the GBA titles.


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Retail

One Piece: Unlimited World Red

Wii U Download

The Letter

Wii U Virtual Console

Bases Loaded

3DS Retail

One Piece: Unlimited World Red

3DS Download

Rabi Laby 3
Me & My Pets 3

3DS Demo

Jett Rocket II

3DS Virtual Console

Bases Loaded

eShop sales

Swords & Soldiers 3D – Rewrite history as you take control of various factions in their global quest to win the favor of the Gods. Starting today through 9 a.m. PT on July 31, Swords & Soldiers 3D is available at the discounted price of $3.99 in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.
Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai – To celebrate the launch of the Nintendo eShop demo, Shin’en is offering the full version of Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai at the discounted price of $4.99 in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS. This offer lasts until 9 a.m. PT on July 24.
Witch & Hero – Starting today until 9 a.m. PT on July 31, Witch & Hero is 30 percent off in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.
I’ve Got to Run! – For a limited time, I’ve Got to Run! is 40 percent off in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U. This offer is valid from 9 a.m. PT on July 11 until 9 a.m. PT on July 13.

Source: Nintendo PR

Over on Twitter a fan asked Sega Developer Yosuke Okunari whether or not we could expect any SEGA games coming the way of Wii U, but it doesn’t look hopeful.

Just want to thank you for helping with the Nintendo Virtual Console. Introduced me to a lot of games on wii! Any Wii U VC plans?

There is no such plan.

Source, via

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