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Reading through the press release for Nintendo’s “Nintendo World Store Launch Event Bonanza (feat. Reggie)” (paraphrased title), I came across a couple of pretty interesting tidbits. If you weren’t planning on going to the event, you may want to reconsider in light of these minor details:

– NoA president Reggie Fils-Aimee will be there, and he’ll sell the first person in line the very first Wii U
– Prizes and swag will be given away to people waiting in line
– Limited edition T-shirts will be sold, with all proceeds going to the American Red Cross

Sounds like quite the event to me! Unfortunately you won’t be able to get the very first Wii U since legendary queue-er Isaiah “Triforce” Johnson is already waiting, but you might be able to see Reggie and get a great t-shirt! Someone tell Valay to get his butt down there!

Likelihood? Very likely.

It seems likely in and of itself, but the first unofficial confirmation that the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will support downloadable content is coming from a Youtube user who claims to have gotten a copy of the game early. Sure, he’s unable to play it, but he says that the back of the box notes support for “add-on content”, as well as leaderboards, voice chat, and online multiplayer.

One thing is doesn’t support, once again according to this Youtuber, is the bonus map “Nuketown 2025”, which PS360/PC users get if they buy the game on day one. At least, it doesn’t make mention of it on the box.

I’m not so sure either of these would be a shock to anyone– in fact I think we’d be more surprised at a lack thereof with DLC– but it’s nice to have SOME sort of confirmation.

In other news, that Wii U box looks nice. I love the blue. :9

Via VideoGamer

Tonight: NintendoEverything readers voted, and we bring you (in generic top ten list form!) the results for “Best Visuals”, “Best Soundtrack”, and “Most Underappreciated”!

The Wii has had a long life– longer than any past Nintendo system in fact– and even though we are but a week and a half from the launch of the console’s successor, we here at NintendoEverything thought it would be fitting to use the weekend before the Wii U explosion as a long send-off to Nintendo’s revolutionary little while box. Tonight, we bring you the first of three parts to our coverage, which make public for the first time the winners for “Best Visuals”, “Best Soundtrack”, and “Most Under-Appreciated” in the large survey I did of your guys’ opinions. They have have been hand-counted (yes– paper, pen, and tallies), written up, and formatted for your convenience, all of which are available below.

Enjoy! And be sure to discuss things in the comments!

The Top Ten Wii Game Soundtracks

The Top Ten Most Visually Appealing Wii Games

The Ten Most Under-Appreciated Wii Games

Some great news for people worried that the Wii U Gamepad might get weaker and weaker in charge as the console’s lifespan continues: Reports have surfaced (I believe from ShackNews originally) that players can remove the rechargeable batteries from both the Gamepad and Pro Controller and get them replaced! No word on how much the replacements will cost, but they will be purchasable directly from Nintendo.


“We’re currently working on something that we can’t wait to talk about! Unfortunately, we’re unable to speak about it right now. DreamRift would like to express its utmost appreciation to everyone for their interest and support!” – DreamRift’s Peter Ong

DreamRift is the developer behind Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion on 3DS, the demo of which you can pick up right now on the eShop!

Via Interview w/

“The thing about the SmartGlass is that the tablet is a thing that you have with you all the time. Now, in that sense, I understand completely as a consumer and I’m excited to see what these guys do with it. But I do have a problem with it. I now have a screen in front of me on my lap and a screen up on the wall that I’m looking at. Which one should I be looking at? Should I be looking up at the big screen and down, or at my lap and up? Should I be checking down on my lap every few seconds? What’s going to incentivize me to move my eyes from the wall to my lap?” – Game designer Peter Molyneux

This is actually one of the most interesting things I heard brought up about Wii U and other tablet/console gaming solutions! It’s really a double edged sword, because he’s right– sometimes it’s going to be detrimental to have to look between one screen and another, especially in time-critical games like Call of Duty or Tekken. That being said, I think the benefits and possibility truly outweigh the costs! He continued…

“In a way, part of me is excited by this. But part of me is worried that this is a bit of tech which us tech boys get really excited about, and until I see some really great uses of that SmartGlass or the Wii U GamePad, the jury is out for me to be honest with you. I can see it if I’m watching a football game that the scores would come up on the SmartGlass. I’m all there for that. I can see if I’m watching a TV episode and it gives me some background on the actors. I’m kind of there, but I can do that on the internet already.”

He talks a ton more about Wii U, and you can read all of that stuff after the break…

“What we added to our Privacy Policy for Wii U players is very nearly the same as existing terms for Xbox Live and PlayStation 3 users concerning the need to register for an Origin account if you want to play EA games with online features and content. That’s no different than the user experience of the past several years of Internet-connected game consoles and online services for games. To play the online features of our games, users need to create a user ID and account with EA. Since Origin was launched in June 2011, creating an EA account means you are creating an Origin account.” – EA Senior Director of Corporate Communications John Reseburg

This is somewhat in response to that Terms of Service change we read about a while back, but it’s also just a clarification from EA: Their goal for Origin on Wii U is the same as on other systems, and we should expect no more nor less.

Via Polygon

Former Square president Hisashi Suzuki doesn’t have particularly nice things to say about Square Enix today, particularly the decision to merge the two formerly separate companies. Here’s the tweet:

Now, this is the Google-translate version so of course the rage might be slightly lost, but the point still stands: He thinks the merger was/will be a failure, and there is no vision for the future from the company. Harsh words!

Via Polygon

After an announcement for America and Europe, Level-5 revealed today that the three Guild 01 titles being made available on the eShop overseas will make their way to Japan in the coming months.

The first of the three titles– Liberation Maiden— is already available to western consumers, and will be hitting the Japanese eShop on November 14th. The other two will be coming “at a later date”, which likely means before the end of the year.

Via Siliconera

I do not own an HDTV. I know, I’m behind on the times and all that, but I haven’t seen a need to get one just yet! One thing that concerned me though was that Wii U only came with an HDMI cable, which I (for obvious reasons) had no use for. My fears can be put to rest it seems, because while watching IGN’s Wii U un-boxing video I noticed that the back of the console appears to use the same RCA output jack as the Wii. Take a look:

You may also note that the power jacks look very similar as well, but further inspection reveals that they are actually flipped from each other, meaning (understandably) one could not swap their power cables between the two consoles. The sensor bar input jack is– predictably– also the same as well.

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