‘Extra Life’ stream gaming schedule – It begins, tomorrow at 8AM PST
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Site updates | 0 comments

Update: Opted to switch times to PST so the max number of people will be awake to watch. Not sure too many are up at 6AM on a Saturday. 😛
NintendoEverything has never attempted to do a livestream of something before. I mean, sure, we’ve done near-live blogs and hosted some of Nintendo’s own streams, but actually streaming ourselves? And for 24 hours straight!? There are bound to be some major technical issues! Nevertheless, we’re going through with it, and we have a whole slew of games (mostly ones chosen by you!) lined up for every hour of the day. We even added some “terribad” games, as requested by you guys.
Here’s the full schedule, subject to change. All times are Pacific Standard Time (add two hours for CST, add three for EST, use Google for everything else):
[8:00-10:00AM] Mario Sports Mix
[10:00-11:00PM] WarioWare: Smooth Moves
[11:00-12:00PM] Shaq-Fu (Hopefully– SNES has been acting up)
[12:00-2:00PM] Goldeneye (N64)
[2:00-3:00PM] Star Fox 64 (Goal: Beat the game)
[3:00-4:00PM] Timeshift Multiplayer
[4:00-6:00PM] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Goal: 99 Life Match)
[8:00-10:00PM] Mario Party 6
[10:00-1:00AM] Banjo Kazooie (Goal: Beat the game)
[1:00-3:00AM] Mario Kart: Double Dash
[3:00-4:00AM] War Gods (N64)
[4:00-6:00AM] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
[6:00-7:00AM] Just Dance
[7:00-8:00AM] Wii Sports Resort
After a final check of the technology that will be supporting us (uStream and a capture device, baby!), I’m ready to head off to bed, wake up early tomorrow and start gaming. I know most of you will miss the first couple of hours, but please tune in if you want to, and, arguably more importantly, consider donating to our page to help kids.
I’m off to bed. See you all shortly!

UK man accused of selling counterfeit Nintendo games, and he made nearly a million dollars doing it
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Nintendo really really doesn’t like pirates. They don’t like them so much that the only pirates in their games either don’t dress like pirates at all, or are robots. No real pirates allowed. Did you know they even have an anti-piracy website?
UK resident Justin Brooks learned this the hard way when Nintendo found out he had been selling “thousands” of counterfeit Wii and DS games to people in the region, reportedly making around $962,000 over two years. Now his escapades are coming to an end and he faces two counts of “fraudulent trading”, two counts of “supplying an article to use in fraud”, two counts of “unauthorized possession of goods bearing a trademark”, and one count of “unauthorized use of a trademark.”
NintendoEverything enters ‘Extra Life’ 24 hour gaming marathon to help raise money for charity, and it’s all streaming live, on October 20th/21st!
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Site updates | 0 comments

tl;dr – Austin is going to stream 24 hours of gaming and perform hilarious commentary, all for charity. And YOU get to decide which games are played.
Twelve games. Two hours each. One man (and sometimes the rest of the ‘Here’s a Podcast’ gang, schedules permitting). Donate here.
Update: We will be streaming Saturday at 8AM via either uStream or TwitchTV! The games we play will be announced tomorrow! PLEASE consider donating (even $5– I’m sure a lot of you have a few dollars in bank accounts somewhere!) to help kids. I want to let you know that– due to demand– we’re adding a few “terribad” games to our list, which means we’re going to play a single terribad game for two hours straight at some point Saturday/Sunday. Maybe twice! And you can watch!
I’ve never made a single penny from all the writing and podcasting and video-making I do for Nintendo Everything. I would never think to ask you guys for money for myself. That’s not at all why I started writing for NE and not at all why I keep doing it!
That being said, I’m asking for money from you for the first time ever. Not for me, but for kids without health insurance who need medical care across the country. It’s all part of something called “Extra Life“; a huge charity event that pits players against time as they attempt to game for 24 hours straight, requesting “sponsorship” from friends and family for each hour that they play. It’s an awesome way to put gaming to good use.
Here are the only two rules:
1. Austin will be playing games all 24 hours, only stopping to go to the bathroom or trade off on single player games. He’ll still be there offering commentary to make things funny, and his eyes will never leave the TV.
2. Eating will be done while playing.
3. If other members give up, Austin will keep playing. Austin is strong. Austin will not stop.
Why Should I Donate?
Well, firstly to help kids. Any amount is great– a dollar, five dollars, ten, seven, thirteen, a hundred thousand–, and one hundred percent of it goes straight to the kids. No administrative costs for the organization, no money for Nintendo Everything, no reimbursement for how much I’ll be spending on caffeine– absolutely 100% of it goes to helping people in need. It is, as donations all are, tax deductible.
Beyond that though, I’m giving to you in return for your generosity. Not only will I be playing games from 8AM Saturday morning to 8AM Sunday morning, but I will also be streaming the entire thing live so you can slowly watch me go from alert and focused to delirious, reflexive, and exhausted. The whole thing will be like Mystery Science Theater, but for video games, live, and really really tired. It is bound to be hilarious fun.
Oh, and did I mention that you guys get to decide what games I play? There will be one game from each genre played in two hour spurts (which means twelve games in total), and voting is open now!
When Is This Happening?
The fun starts at 8AM, October 20th and ends at 8AM, October 21st.
What Games?
Nobody knows yet! Voting will be open shortly.
What If I Have No Money?
You can watch the event regardless of whether or not you donate, but if you want to help out without monetary donations, share my ‘Extra Life’ page on Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, etc and tell them your friend Austin is going insane to raise money for charity.
Thank you guys so very much! It’s a pleasure to be able to make features for you, and I hope you consider supporting Nintendo Everything’s efforts to raise a bit of money!

Here’s a Podcast – Episode 11! (Drawing the line on DLC + Game worlds we want to explore in virtual reality!)
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 0 comments

Leon approves!
Topics this week include DLC (and when it’s unacceptable!), game worlds we’d want to explore in virtual reality, Resident Evil 6, and as always: news, what we played, complaint corner, and GTGWTMIGY.
Copy/Paste this link into any RSS/Podcast reader to subscribe to us that way!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A huge thank you to all you guys and gals who listen to us. I had no idea there were so many of you and I’m absolutely floored by the numbers we got in for last week’s episode! If you need ANYTHING from the podcast gang please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]
[00:03:15] What We Played – Austin, Laura, Jack, Max, Nick
[00:06:32] News – Details about Wii U games, PETA being silly, no 1080p (?), more.
[00:30:45] Discussion 1 – Where do you draw the line on DLC?
[00:48:15] Complaint Corner – Mostly about Resident Evil 6
[00:55:42] Guess the game with the media I give you – Image here.
[01:03:48] Top ten list – Three game worlds we would love to explore in virtual reality
Nyko cancels plans to release circle-pad/battery extender for 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

If you were looking forward to an admittedly pretty awesome third party peripheral for 3DS called the “Power Grip Pro”, then we’ve some bad news for you: Nyko announced via Twitter that they were no longer planning to put out the product. No idea why !
Pokemon train car will debut in Japan December 22nd
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Just take a look at those images and you’ll have an idea of what we’re dealing with here: A Pokemon-themed train car(s?) that will be appearing in Japan in and around the Tohoku area. The reason I’m unsure of whether or not there is just one or multiple cars to this somewhat odd choice of decor is because there are two images of the interior, but only one of the exterior. Does that mean both interior images fit into the exterior, or that there are two cars and we’re just not seeing the other one!?
No idea. But it would be awfully fun to ride in one of these!
Uh-Oh: Epic Mickey 2 (Wii U version) might not make the Wii U launch!
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
“The reason why we’re not committed to a date on the Wii U version is that no one has been through Nintendo’s approval process on the Wii U. We have no idea how long it will take for the game to go through approval. Disney is not going to be the reason why it will miss [November 18].” – Warren Spector
Well, if Nintendo is listing it as a launch title and the only thing left is Nintendo approving the game… I’d say this is pretty much a shoe-in for launch! Why would Nintendo list it as launch and then choose not to approve it in time for the system!?
Black Ops II “Don’t Miss the Zombie Bus” video
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Madden NFL ’13 – Wii U details
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

– Play-calling entirely on the gamepad
– See basic formations, sets within them, plays to choose from
– “if you want to change from singleback to shotgun, all you have to do is press “shotgun”; no need to repeatedly tap the B or circle button to back all the way out.”
– It’s “all about speed”
– Gamepad displays a realtime view of line of scrimmage
– Use the touchscreen to redraw the play entirely if you want
– No longer restricted to preset hot routes
– Change defensive, pre-snap formations, zones, and routes
– Play the entire game on the tablet controller if you want
UK Wii U TV campaign to kick off during X-Factor; will make it clear that Wii U is not a Wii attachment
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Just to be clear, that’s NEXT week’s ‘X-Factor’ on October 17th…
“We know there is a demand out there for a new console format, and this is a new generation of console. Maybe at E3 2011 we didn’t make that clear enough – it really is a new box as well as that innovative controller. It offers many different things. We’re making sure to communicate that angle in the marketing, and the campaign will seem fresh and slightly different. Although there are clear elements that say ‘this is from the people behind Wii’ to maintain some continuity.” – Nintendo UK marketing and PR director Shelly Pearce
Well, looks like we might be stuck watching the X-Factor if we’re looking to get a first glimpse of Wii U’s television advertising campaign! It’s coming a little late in my opinion, but I guess Nintendo figured that people would get annoyed/bored by a flurry of ads if they ran them for more than a month.
Still, was I the only one who really enjoyed seeing those Wii ads when they were around!?