Review: Mutant Mudds
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features, Reviews | 0 comments
Game: Mutant Mudds
System: 3DS (eShop)
Cost: $8.99
Release Date: January 26, 2012
Developer: Renegade Kid
I haven’t done a game review in a long time. There are a lot of reasons for that, but mostly it boils down to the fact that I normally don’t enjoy trying to sift through everything I feel about a game, stamp a number on it, and then tell you to buy something you may or may not like. Nothing really makes my opinion better than any of your guys’, and it’s taken a while for me to fully realize that. Still, I’m giving reviews another shot anyway, and hopefully I won’t look back on this one with as much regret as I do my Call of Duty: World at War and The Conduit reviews. Those games are not as good I claimed, but I’m pretty sure this next one is.
What game do I have the pleasure of reviewing today? The astonishingly charming platformer, Mutant Mudds.
Talking with Jools Watsham: Mutant Mudds, Dementium 3D, DLC, more…
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features, Interviews | 0 comments
It was nearly eight months ago now I first got to sit down- on a bench outside of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), no less- and play Renegade Kid’s upcoming 2D/3D platformer, Maximillion and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds. There wasn’t a fancy playing station, there weren’t any giant LED screens, and not a single booth babe could be seen; in layman’s terms, all of the flash and glamour of E3 was left indoors with the big budget games, alongside the bells and whistles we’ve come to expect from them. When I played Mudds, the only thing that could force me into enjoyment was the game itself, and much to my delight, it was every bit as fun as I had hoped.
Which is really quite good because believe me, there really isn’t anything more awkward and difficult than telling a developer to his or her face that you don’t like their game.
Fast forward to now, and the game is finally nearing its release date (January 26th, for those unaware!), garnering some much-needed media attention to drum up the hype required for it to sell. Being the good gaming “journalist” I am, I figured it was time for me to do my part, so I sat down with Renegade Kid CEO and co-founder Jools Watsham and forced him to answer some questions in return for my services of marketing his game. Because we at NintendoEverything are nothing but a bunch of sellouts who make absolutely no money. Hit the break for the interview…
Making Your Games Harder Doesn’t Mean You’re Making Your Games Harder – That One Show
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, General Nintendo, Videos | 0 comments
New video. I’ve got an interview with Jools Watsham going up tomorrow for Renegade Kid’s new game Maximillion and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds, and then hopefully I’ll have beaten the game by Saturday so I can get a review up then! Thanks folks. Feel free to start a discussion about what I’m talking about in the comments!
In Defense of Party Games; Game Reviewers Are Full Of Sh*t
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
Today was Christmas, and seeing as how I’m a human-being who celebrates and enjoys all of the consumerism and materialistic goodness associated with the day, it was only natural that I would spend some time with my family and friends. I hadn’t planned on playing Just Dance. Heck, I was exhausted from how long the day was, but when I was urged to rekindle my relationship with the game, I just couldn’t resist. I stood up- Wiimote in hand- and danced my ass off to “Viva Las Vegas” and “Girlfriend”. Like every single time I’ve played that game, I came away completely baffled at how anyone could dislike it.
That One Show – A Look “Back” On Skyward Sword
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii | 0 comments
I’m always so torn on whether or not to make these longer or shorter… I used to have them this long, then people complained to I made em shorter, and then more people complained so I’ve gone back to having them longer. Help me make up my mind!
3DS Ambassador GBA Games Available in North America
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Thanks to Thomas for the tip via Facebook, I now know that the GBA games available to 3DS Ambassadors are ready to be downloading in North America! They were supposed to go live sometime today, but it’s good to know that we won’t have to wait more than a few hours into the day to download them. Here’s how:
– Go to “Settings/Other” on the eShop
– Scroll down to “Your Downloads”
– Scroll down and locate the games you want to download
Don’t forget to try out the new “Download Later” option, allowing the downloads to take place while the 3DS is in sleep mode if you’re in wifi range. Go forth and enjoy the free gaming, 3DS early-adopters!
Kid Icarus: Uprising – Spectacular (full size) box art
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Gotta say, the box art on this one is looking pretty fantastic! Enjoy it in beautiful hi-resolution…
Big thanks to Lars for posting this one on our Facebook wall!
Rhythm Heaven Fever – Full size box art
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Screenshots, Wii | 0 comments
We posted the smaller resolution one yesterday, but now we’ve got something a little more comfortable to feast your eyes on!
Post of the Day: Motion Controls + Zelda = Forever
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
Read today’s PotD here.
Okay, maybe I overexagerrated with the “forever” thing, but I think it’s safe to say that- at least for a next few console entries of the series- we’ll be ‘stuck’ using motion controls to control our favorite hero. The question is: Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? That’s where you guys come in. For those of you that have played Skyward Sword, why do you like/dislike the controls? Do you think they should stay with the series for a while? Let us discuss! (I shall start; see my comment in the comments section)
Deadmau5 and Miyamoto meet up at the VGAs
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, Random | 0 comments
As I’m sure a few of you may know, I’m a pretty big fan of electronic music producer Deadmau5- real name Joel-, so when I saw this picture I couldn’t help but share it with all of you. It’s an image taken when Mr. Mau5 spotted Miyamoto at the VGAs last night, got his armed signed by the man himself (and later tattooed that signature into permanence), and went on to take one of the coolest images I’ve ever seen of Miyamoto.
Good on ya, Joel. You have made many a game nerd smile.