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For me, there are really only two types of games out there: Those that engage me mentally/emotionally, and those that make me happy or have fun. I don’t care what reviews say, how good gameplay is, whether the graphics are up to par, or whether I’m using an Xbox controller or a Corn Dog as my main method of input; if a game fits one of these two categories, then I’ll play it and I’ll love it.

For the most part, people don’t really hate on the games with srs business in them, such as Final Fantasy X, Flower, Zelda, etc. Sure, there are some haters out there, but generally speaking the basic idea is that such games are good quality and it makes sense that we enjoy them. The “fun” and “happy” games I refer to are ones such as Mario Sports Mix, Jeopardy, Mario Party, Wii Party, and Wii Sports. What a lot of people refer to as “party” games or “casual” games.

God forbid you try and say that these games are top-notch gaming.

Well f*ck.

Okay, so I admit it. I completely and utterly admit that I was unequivocally wrong about Xenoblade Chronicles. If you missed my rant a few weeks ago, I went on a binge talking about how there’s a good reason why games like this never sell in America, so we should stop whining and get over it. One of my points was that (despite rave Famitsu scores) the games would end up getting mediocre reviews upon arrival in the west, and fade away into obscurity some months later as “those games that everyone wanted and no one bought.”

The way I see it, there are two parts to making a game: Making the gameplay, and making the atmosphere. These two parts are integral to any great game design, but each one encompasses a totally different set of things. Gameplay includes things like controls, level design, etc, while the atmosphere can encompass everything from the graphics to the music, to the sound effects and character animations. Both are important parts of game design, and when a developer can bring together a perfect balance of the two, we get games that are so full of magic and wonder, we feel like we can never put them down. These, in my opinion, are games like The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Banjo Kazooie.

I have no idea how long I have until I have to leave again, so I may have to stop this post short and come back to it later. Sorry! To read the original article and read the comments I am replying to, click here.

Anyway, let me start off by reiterating a point I made at the beginning of the article, though clearly not strongly enough: I’m in support of OpRainfall. I want these games to come here as badly as you all do, and I’m very sad Nintendo has decided (at least for the time being) to forgo their publication in North America. If anything, they could take any number of alternate sales routes to minimize risk- limiting quantities or selling it on a demand basis like Demon’s Souls- and so really, one could just jump to the conclusions that Nintendo is either lazy, mean, or doesn’t care about us at all.

The purpose of this article was not so much to question the validity of arguments against Nintendo because I do not believe they are valid. The purpose is to say “Hey you guys, I know this sucks and it shouldn’t be this way, but let’s take a look from Nintendo’s perspective for a second.” Their behavior in this situation, while unfortunate, I don’t think is nearly as unfair and people are making it out to be. If people are making it out to be, say, a 10 on the unfairness scale, I’d like to say it should really only be a 6 or a 7. We aren’t being treated horribly and unfairly; we just haven’t given Nintendo a reason to trust us with “core” titles on Wii.

Don’t misunderstand me; I’m just as upset over the lack of localization for The Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora’s Tower as you are. I don’t want to dismantle the entire argument behind OpRainfall because I’m an evil overlord or because I hate fun and all things good- I want to dismantle the entire argument behind OpRainfall because, let’s be honest; it’s only fair. Everyone and their aunt is ganging up on Nintendo over this situation, and Nintendo (being the ones who are trying to make a living off of this “gaming industry” thing) are coming off as total jerkoffs because they’re telling us “no” when we’re begging for candy that we don’t deserve.

– You can translate it as “Mahjong 3D: Imperial Fights”
– Play as emperor Oin shi Huangdi as he conquests territories to form
actual China.
– Choose your own path, your enemies and your allies and discover
different puzzles.
– 3D effect use: mahjong pieces pop out of the screen
– 80 levels distributed through 7 worlds + unlockeable extra levels and
– Easy, normal and hard mode
– Cooperative mode: play with someone offline via WiFi or online
– StreetPass mode: share unlockeable items, characters’ progress and high
– European release date: September 30th
– Price: 39,99 euros

Via Revogamers

If you’re sick of your 3DS for some reason and want something with a little more spice, you’d do well to sign up for Square Enix’s latest contest offering, which will allow one user to win a nice black version of the console branded with some one of a kind Heroes of Ruin artwork on the top, and the logo for the game on the inside.

Sounds like a pretty good piece of bragging material if you ask me! You can sign up here.


Edit: Apparently I’m once again forbidden from embedding Youtube videos. Gonna have to talk to Valay… Haha.

You can watch it here in the meantime. I wasn’t really too interested in Xenoblade, but after seeing the atmosphere here I’m a lot more stricken with grief that we have no official North American release date!

This is footage from a piece of map that didn’t make it into the final game, being played on a Wii emulator. Looks great, but there could technically be some spoilers in here!

The graphics on the Wii U sure look nice.

I’ve not had much interest in the Assassin’s Creed franchise since playing the first and second ones extensively at a friend’s house, but it’s turned into something of a massive series, and now it’s coming to Wii U. The question is, which one is coming to Wii U? We’re not sure, but apparently it’s not the next entry in the series, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations.

This comes from the Ubisoft CEO who said in an interview that this is something else entirely. Perhaps a mini-game collection? Dance party remake? I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

Also, no, that screenshot is not from the Wii U. Don’t be ridiculous. It just happens to be the only AC photo we have in our stock right now.

Via VG247

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