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Developer Yokogo Systems and publisher Gravity Game Arise have announced that they will be bringing The Good Old Days to Switch later this year. The game is described as a “Juvenile Metroidvania” at takes its inspiration from games released in the 90s, with a pixel art style and multiple endings.

We’ve got an overview of the game below:

Arcade Archives Football Champ

Hamster will release Football Champ as the latest Arcade Archives game on Switch, the company announced today. A worldwide release is planned for July 18, 2024.

A sports game released by Taito in 1990, the game can also be played against other players as well as against the CPU. In it, players choose one of eight different countries and compete against the other seven. Rough play is allowed, as long as you don’t get caught.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splintered Fate review

System: Switch
Release date: July 17, 2024
Developer: Super Evil Megacorp
Publisher: Super Evil Megacorp

Since their debut in the 1980s, it feels as though the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have always been around in some form or another, undergoing a complete visual reboot every few years to appeal to a new audience. Despite this, the franchise as a whole has remained remarkably consistent in terms of characterization, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate is another iteration of the four iconic brothers. As a roguelite, it is also an interesting pivot away from the arcade and beat ’em up titles that they typically star in.

A new trailer has been released for party-based RPG Worlds of Aria. The game was first revealed last year for the system and is scheduled to arrive sometime in 2024.

Refresh your memory about the game and check out the new trailer below:

A man in the UK has been sentenced to four months in prison after being found in possession of a small replica of the Master Sword whilst out in public.

Hamster has announced the latest Arcade Archives game for Switch, which will be Yoma Ninpocho. It’s due out worldwide on July 4, 2024.

Tsukihime A Piece of Blue Glass Moon review

System: Switch
Release date: June 27, 2024
Developer: Type-Moon
Publisher: Aniplex

The overwhelming success of Fate/Grand Order in recent years has significantly enhanced Type-Moon’s reputation, and as a long-time fan of their work I couldn’t be happier about it, as it has resulted in a lot of their less mainstream work reaching us overseas. With the surprise Western release of Witch on the Holy Night in 2022, and the release of the critically acclaimed Fate/Stay Night confirmed for Switch in the near future, it’s a welcome surprise that Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon arrives to fill the gap between the two. This also marks the first time the game has been released to western audiences, and although it’s an incomplete package by itself, it’s another exemplary work from the developer that is definitely worth a look.

For those playing Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance and wondering how to toggle Miracles, we have you covered.

Most of the Miracles that you’ll learn provide permanent positive effects, such as increase the number of skills you can learn from Essence Fusion, capabilities in combat, and benefits from fusion. A few are listed as “Togglable” as their effects can be turned off and on at your discretion, but the game never actually tells you how to do this.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD review

System: Switch
Release date: June 27, 2024
Developer: Next Level Games / Tantalus
Publisher: Nintendo

When it was first released on the 3DS, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon never really felt like a sequel to the Gamecube title to me, and it wasn’t until the release of Luigi’s Mansion 3 on Switch that its significance really hit home. But the game simply felt too ambitious for its own good at the time and felt like it would have been a better fit for the ailing Wii U, which was better equipped to deal with its increased scope, visual style, and was also in desperate need of more games, which the 3DS never had any shortage of. But with its release on the Switch, Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD feels as though it has finally been given some long overdue and much-needed room to breathe.

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