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Bandai Namco have shared a launch trailer for racing game Gigantosaurus Dino Kart, which launches on Switch today.

For a refresher on what the game has to offer, read the following overview:

Tales of Symphonia Remastered releases today on Switch, and to celebrate the occasion Bandai Namco have shared a launch trailer for this version of the critically acclaimed action RPG.

For more information on the game, see the overview below:

A new update has been released for Overcooked! All You Can Eat today on Switch. Titled the Winter Chef Update, this adds the Penguin Chef to the game, as well as numerous bug fixes and quality of life improvements. Full details can be found below:

Nintendo have issued a reminder that services for the Nintendo eShop for Wii U and 3DS will end next month, which they announced this time last year. They have further clarified that the consolidation service, which allows users to merge their unused Nintendo eShop balance on those two systems with their Nintendo Account and thereby spend that balance on the Switch eShop, will end in March 2024.

As a reminder, here’s the information provided by Nintendo:


Hamster has announced that it will make GROBDA available as its latest Arcade Archives game on Switch. It’s due out this week on February 16. The game is a shooter that was first released in 1984 by Bandai Namco, with the objective of fighting through multiple machines, blowing up multiple enemies with as few explosions as possible to reach the top rank.

Below is a trailer for the game, courtesy of Hamster:

The latest Free Title Update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will release this week, bringing the game up to Version 14.0. The main contents of this update were covered in a presentation last week, and Capcom have now released the full patch notes ahead of its release on February 7. Full details can be found below:

A new update has been released for Don’t Starve Together, bringing the game up to version 1.4.0. on Switch. Titled the Maxwell Character Update, it brings a new “Encore” to the game, as well as a variety of changes and quality of life features. Full details can be found below:

A new update has been released for Drago Noka on Switch, bringing the game up to version 1.57. This update provides some minor bug fixes and quality of life improvements to the game. Further details can be found below:

A new Splatfest centered around chocolate has just been announced for Splatoon 3. The event will be held from February 11 to February 13.

The Splatfest theme will make players pick which is their preferred chocolate flavour, with players able to choose between White, Milk, and Dark.


Capcom has provided details for the next Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak digital event. Due to take place on February 1 at 3PM PST/11PM GMT, it will be narrated by Bahari the Scientist, and will include details on the release date of the next free title update, including new monsters to be added to the game, and the roadmap beyond. You can view the teaser trailer for the update below:

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