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On this week’s episode: Mario Kart 7, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, a StreetPass Feature and Zumba Fitness 2.

Nintendo of Europe/Japan have been offering a free download of 3D Classics: Kid Icarus to those who have registered two eligible products on Club Nintendo.

North American consumers will have a chance to download the title as well, but Club Nintendo won’t be involved in the promotion.

In its latest press release detailing Kid Icarus: Uprising, Nintendo of America stated that “consumers who pre-order at select retailers will receive a bonus download code for the 3D Classics: Kid Icarus game”.

The full blurb from the release can be found below.

“Additionally, consumers who pre-order at select retailers will receive a bonus download code for the 3D Classics: Kid Icarus™ game, a re-mastered 3D version of the NES original. The download code will be delivered with the purchase of Kid Icarus: Uprising. A deposit may be required for pre-order. Kid Icarus: Uprising will carry a suggested retail price of $39.99 in the United States.”



You can download the Resident Evil: Revelations demo right now. This applies to both North America and Europe!


Mutant Mudds’ price point will be slightly cheaper than expected. The upcoming eShop came will cost only $8.99 when it finally launches.

Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham’s tweeted the following:

“Mutant Mudds has a eShop game page! (Select “Software Info.” button on game trailer page) Release Date: TBD. Price: $8.99. Bargain!! Now if we could just get that damn release date nailed down!”

Mutant Mudds should be out sometime this quarter. My guess would be sometime in February.


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