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The graphic above comes from Namco Bandai’s Q1 financial results. Tales of the Abyss did alright based on shipping data, though I’m sure other titles in the franchise have performed better. Data is also available for Ridge Racer 3D and One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP.


Far Cry had one outing on Wii and that was probably enough. That game, Far Cry Vengeance, was pretty much terrible all around. That’s probably one of the major reasons why we never saw another game in the series on Nintendo’s console.

Interestingly though, Ubisoft was working on Far Cry 2 for Wii. The project lasted just a couple of months according to Philippe Baude’s LinkedIn profile. We’ll probably never know why the game was cancelled, but again, it could be related to the negative reception of Vengeance and perhaps the fact that the Wii was underpowered compared to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.


If you ask me, Mass Effect 3 and Wii U could be a fantastic pairing. I’d argue that it’d be a better match on the platform than a game like Metro: Last Light or even Aliens: Colonial Marines. Although no game is confirmed for Wii U, you may remember that executive producer Casey Hudson said that the Mass Effect universe “feels like it’s a really nice fit.”

Hudson shared more thoughts about Wii U in an interview with NowGamer. He said that he believes the console is “interesting” and “exciting”, though has to “think more about it and spend more with with the actual hardware.”

“It’s an interesting system. One of the challenges and opportunities with that kind of device is that it takes a while to really figure out what the amazing forms of gameplay will be – but it also has enough flexibility to potentially do things that are totally unprecedented in games. It’s very exciting, but I definitely need to think more about it and spend more time with the actual hardware.”


This information comes from Killer Freaks From Outer Space producer Guillaume Brunier…

“We’ve used the accelerometer feature. If you move very fast the game will know and adjust movement speed. Those familiar with FPSes know how difficult it is to go around 180 degrees. With these new controls it’s a thing of the past.”

It’s going to be very interesting to try out this type of control scheme. It’s probably easier than dual analog controls, but I’m not sure if it’ll beat out the Wiimote pointer setup. It’s been difficult for me to return to dual analog due to my comfort with the Wii controller!


It’s amazing that, by the end of 2011, three new Kirby games will have been released. Epic Yarn launched last year, and now Kirby Wii and Mass Attack are on the horizon. Oh, and there’s Amazing Mirror as well thanks to the 3DS Ambassador program!

Nintendo of America has confirmed two additional GBA titles for the 3DS Ambassador program. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 and Kirby & The Amazing Mirror will be included in the free lineup of games for early 3DS adopters later this year.

It’s kind of surprising to see that customer service representatives actually revealed information before Nintendo delivered the news officially. I won’t complain about it, though!


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