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If you’ve been following Nintendo Everything for a decent amount of time, then you’re probably aware of the fact that we’re huge fans of Shin’en. The company pushes Nintendo hardware to their limit – in spite of the fact that they have a limited amount of resources and manpower.

Jett Rocket, for instance, is one of the best-looking titles on the Wii even though it is a downloadable release and weighs in at less than 40 megabytes. Again, that’s because the developers over at Shin’en truly work their magic on Nintendo platforms.

Shin’en’s next WiiWare title, FAST – Racing League, is looking equally as impressive. The game has finally been pinned for a May release in Europe and it should hit the North American Wii Shop Channel around the same timeframe. To celebrate the upcoming release of FAST, Shin’en has sent us some new screenshots of the title. You can check those out above. Company CEO Manfred Linzner has also explained why fans should be excited about the game.

Best Buy drops Wii price

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

Update: Toys “R” Us are also temporarily dropping the price of the Wii.

The rumored Wii price drop won’t be put into effect on May 15 (if the speculation is to be believed), but Best Buy is now offering the console for $30 less. Consumers can purchase the black or white Wii bundles with Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Remote Plus for just $169.99.

Keep in mind that this isn’t Engadget’s alleged price cut. Earlier this week, the site reported that the Wii’s price will be dropped to $149.99 next month, though Nintendo has yet to confirm the rumor. At the moment, Best Buy appears to be the only major retailer selling the console for less than $199.99.


Is Maximilian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds seeing a revival? Well, if the game’s newly opened site and Twitter account are any indication, the answer to that question is a resounding yes.

The title appeared to be all but cancelled due to Renegade Kid not receiving enough positive responses on their blog. But the new site shows a 2D Max character in sprite form, along with the following message:

“Hi, this is Max. I found a mysterious website. Please check it out here: It seems as though I have been reduced to my purest form: pixels. I find this to be somewhat alarming while also refreshing.”

Perhaps Renegade Kid is planning on giving Maximilian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds another shot, albeit in another style. It isn’t even entirely clear if we’ll still see Max in a game, but the chances are stronger than they were a few months ago. Hopefully we’ll receive some answers sooner rather than later.

Source 1, Source 2

This information comes from Capcom’s Masachika Kawata…

“It might take some time to be honest…This time, the amount of script increased significantly and it will be a lot of work. We’ll make it so it will be a real horror experience. Don’t miss it!”

Resident Evil: Revelations definitely won’t be released this year, and I doubt we’ll see it in early 2012. If I had to guess, I’d say the title will be released Fall 2012.


Twist, turn, and move like never before with fun, motion-controlled experiences that come bundled with the Wii Remote™ Plus controller! Grip it like an umbrella, and tilt it around your body to ride gusts that blow you up, down, and to the finish line of a windy race course, or hold the controller like a mallet to strike pesky vermin from stealing vegetables from your garden. Players can even point the controller around the room to help find and capture invisible spooks! With multiple difficulty modes and game variations to unlock, up to 4 players can get caught up in the big action of the Wii Play: Motion game. For anyone looking to pick up another Wii Remote Plus controller, Wii Play: Motion is a great value that features 12 games and a bundled Wii Remote Plus controller.

– Controls very similar to the N64 game
– Press B to slice your sword
– A to interact
– R to use your shield
– Gently push the circle pad to walk slowly, push all the way to run
– Z-targeting done with the L button
– Use the circle pad to control items that use first-person mode or use the gyroscope
– Inventory, map screens, Link’s health, magic meters all on the touch screen


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