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Game of the Year

1. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
2. Disney Epic Mickey
3. Mass Effect II
4. NBA 2K11
5. Red Dead Redemption
6. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

First, SEGA’s vice president of sales and marketing Alan Pritchard discussed Sonic Colors…

“[Colours] is our pure Sonic gaming experience. That’s had some high scores. It’s also the highest pre-selling pure Sonic title we’ve had ever. That’s a good indication. With the quality of the game, we’re confident of that. That’s our pure platforming Sonic.”

Pritchard then went on to talk about Sonic announcements in 2011…

“We have some announcements in the early part of next year that will further support and add to this strategy. There will be two of three big Sonic announcements in the early part of next calendar year.”

Well, Sonic Colors deserves those sales if you ask me! I still haven’t had the chance to play it yet, but I’ve mostly heard very positive responses. And let’s hope that one of those Sonic announcements relates to a Nintendo platform!


Nintendo on Mario 3DS

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

This information comes from Nintendo’s Yoshio Koizumi…

“I’ve been making 3D Mario games up to now, and it’s been difficult to grab or ride on objects floating in midair with these sorts of games since the beginning,” said Koizumi. “But if the Nintendo 3DS system can produce a sense of distance that can be easily understood at a glance, I feel I’ll be able to more confidently create the tense stages that require you to jump from platform to platform in midair without falling. There’s still a whole range of things I’ll be able to do with Mario games in the future.”

I’m really interested to see what a 3D Mario would look like on the 3DS. There were actually a few rumors that Nintendo was working on a game similar to Super Mario 64 DS for the system, but nothing ever happened. I’ve always wondered what an original Mario title would look like on a handheld…

A fan has taken it upon himself to make a Super Smash Bros. demake of sorts. While it’s actually being developed in Game Maker 8, the style would definitely remind you of something played on the Game Boy. A demon will be released this Friday, which will include two characters, 3 stages, and a number of options. Make sure to check out some footage of Super Smash Land below!

Source 1, Source 2

ATV Wild Ride boxart

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

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