Submit a news tip

– Logic Chess used for interrogating characters who won’t crack
– Throw out a series or questions at your opponent
– Two options
– Chess part is for visual styling
– Logic Chess system won’t be too difficult according to Motohide Eshiro
– New characters announced:
Mikiko Hayami: a reporter
Taro Tanaka: a mysterious icecream seller
Outeikun: President of the Republic of Zheng Fa
Hakari Mikagami: A female judge
– Mikagami is Miles’ new rival
– Mikagami considered the “god of law”
– Mikagami’s design based off an older girl character designer Tatsuo Iwamoto who he looked up to during his school years.
– “She’s tough on the law, so she’s really tough on people who break the law”
– Releasing Spring 2011


Game Night (9/17)

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments

Update: Game Night is now over!

On Sunday, I was fairly certain that we’d able to do a Game Night today, even though Austin probably wouldn’t be around. Unfortunately… I completely blanked out on something that I have to tend to tonight. I’m still not sure if Austin will be able to attend, so that leaves us with a bit of a problem. Now, I believe I will be able to host Game Night somewhat. The thing is, it’ll have to be cut short. We’ll start at 7:00 PM EDT, and if Austin isn’t here, I’ll have to end things at around 7:45 – although, you guys can continue to play if you want! I’ll post the IRC page at about 6:50, and we’ll start at 7:00 (perhaps slightly earlier if there are a lot of people around). So get your Wii systems and Mario Kart Wii ready!

Also, I want to take a moment to say that I’m still waiting on a couple of people to send me their addresses for the Grease: The Game contest. Please send them our way to we can ship the games to all winners as soon as possible!

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