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1. [PS3] Another Century’s Episode?R
2. [Wii] Wii Party
3. [PS3] Chou Jigen Game: Neptune
4. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 3
5. [PS3] Sengoku Basara 3
6. [PSP] Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X
7. [DS] Art Academy
8. [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy 2

9. [PSP] Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2nd
10. [DS] Taiko no Tatsujin DS: Dororon! Youkai Daikessen!!

– Famitsu reviewers liked the variety of Samus’ moves
– Also enjoyed exploring and fighting aspects
– Difficult game

“The Sense Move lets you move quickly and easily dodge attacks, which make the controls feel really good. You occasionally lose track of where you’re going next, but that in itself is very Metroid-like. Switching to first-person by holding the remote vertically also works surprisingly well. There’s a wide variety of moves available, but Sense Move is by far the best. It allows even casual gamers to enjoy the battles well enough.”

“It’s impressive how many moves are at your disposal, especially considering the lack of buttons. Switching to first-person instantly takes some getting used to, but you can use it in both exploration and combat and it gives the game a very fun Metroid-like vibe.”

“Every map has tons of stuff to interact with, and some of the puzzles can be hard to solve, but the feeling you get when working them out is something else. The bosses work the same way; they all require some sort of trick to defeat.”

“The game’s tough, making you wish for a difficulty selector at times, but the high-tempo action and dramatic story are enough to keep you enthralled.”

“… minion-level enemies respawn” can be debatably annoying.”


A fan has remade the Mushroom Hill Zone from Sonic & Knuckles and has showcased his work in an impressive video. It’s got pretty much what any Sonic fan would want in a game like classic music, natural physics, and different level gimmicks. You can check out the reinvented level above.

Shiren 5 details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 2 Comments

– Releasing this December in Japan
– Japanese name: Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 5 Fortune Tower to Unmei no Dice
– Full English name: Mystery Dungeon Shiren the Wanderer 5: Fortune Tower and the Dice of Fat
– Set in the Fortune Tower
– Start in Inori Village
– Shiren and Coppa visit the village following Shiren 2
– The two hear a legend that they can meet a god and change their fate if they climb to the top of Fortune Tower
– Chunsoft may be publishing instead of Spike


Shiren 5 isn’t the only game that has been announced in this week’s Famitsu. The magazine has also revealed Super Robot Taisen L. Like the past few titles in the franchise, the entry title is in development for DS. You can check out the first scans and a few details about the game below.

– Newcomer properties:
Macross F
Rebuilt of Evangelion
Linebarrels of Iron
– November 25 release

It’s only been a few months since Shiren 4 was released in Japan. But apparently, another game in the series is in the works! We only have the scan above from Famitsu, but we’ll have more information later tonight or tomorrow.

Famitsu review scores

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 5 Comments

Metroid: Other M (Wii) – 9/9/8/9

– A sorcerer named Yin-Yarn has turned Dream Land into yarn
– Kirby tries to eat a tomoato-like fruit on Yin-Yarn’s head
– This makes Yin-Yarn angry, sucks Kirby into a sock tied around his neck
– Kirby gets transported to Patch Land
– Kirby meets Prince Fluff
– Fluff is being chased by a horned enemy
– Kirby tries to inhale the enemy, finds out air passes through him
– However, he can morph into forms such as a car
– Kirby and Fluff escape when Kirby transforms into a car
– Transform into the car at will
– Hold Wiimote sideways
– Double-tap left or right on the control pad to go into car form
– Can jump higher and farther in this mode due to the higher speed
– Can’t attack foes in this mode, however
– Can lasso enemies with the 1 button
– Grab an enemy by holding 1
– Tap again to throw it
– Submarine form (jump into the water)
– Parachute (jump and hold 2)
– Descend slowly in the parachute
– Weight (jump and press down on the Control Pad)
– Smash through certain floors as weight
– Weight comes into play during a cut-scene in which Kirby crushes a three-eyed monster
– The monster is trying to eat Prince Fluff
– After you defeat the monster, it leaves behind a piece of magic yarn
– Prince says it’s used to stitch together worlds
– Yin-Yarn broke the realm into seven parts
– Need to put the pieces back together
– Grass Land the first collection of stages
– Different areas, including a forest, giant vine, and underground area
– Fountain Gardens level: Big rocket-firing Kirby tank
– Rainbow Falls level: Kirby shifts into a surfboarding penguin
– Mole Hole: Become a drill machine
– Diggable soil looks like pieces of dirty cotton
– UFO form: Use in two Grass Land levels
– UFO Kirby has a tractor beam to consumer objects and enemies
– Collect three items to charge electricity
– Then can use an electrical attack that takes down mostly everything around you
– Can skip two Grass Land levels
– Fangora is the dragon boss
– Defeat Fangora to open the next world
– Secret areas
– Three collectibles in each level
– Tons of beads
– Beads pop out of Kirby when he gets hit


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