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Sonic Colors details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment

This information comes from producer of Sonic Colors, Keith Dywer…

– Game is almost complete
– Team putting on finishing touches/bug testing
– After Sonic Unleashed and The Black Knight were finished, the concept from Sonic Colors may have been created
– Supposed to be building on the best of Sonic Unleashed, but team doesn’t want for it to be Unleashed Lite
– Not too many cutscenes
– On Wisps talking: “Yes and no”
– Different scenarios for Wii/DS versions
– Knuckles won’t be appearing in the game.- Game is very near completion, they are now finishing touches and bug testing.
– May have been conceptualized when Sonic Unleashed and Black Knight were finished.
– Build on the best of Sonic Unleashed, but it’s not intended to be simply Unleashed Lite.
– Story is canon to the main Sonic series.
– The game won’t have an overload of cutscenes.
– When asked if the Wisps could talk, he said “Yes and no”.
– Wii and DS versions will have different scenarios.
– Knuckles not in the game

Source 1, Source 2

FlingSmash footage

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Thanks to Deathstar for the tip!

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn scans

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 6 Comments

Thanks to Tim and Robert for the tip!

By the way, I’m officially home now. I’ll try to catch up with a few more tips over the next few hours.

“With the previous games we intended to craft the prologue for a series that could extend for a long while story-wise. The idea was to spread the main story out around this core, but in the end, it took quite a bit of time.” – Hiroyuki Takahashi, scriptwriter for the series

“We’ve received a lot of encouragement from fans regarding their expectations for a sequel, and the fact we’ve finally been able to get the environment together to start developing it is an emotional moment for me.” – Shugo Takahashi, Dark Dawn director

“We came up with the idea for Psynergy, as an answer to the inherent contradiction where you have enough power and magic to blow up the planet during battle, yet can’t break a locked door open in a dungeon.” – Shugo Takahashi, Dark Dawn director

“It’d be a lot easier for us to make it so you have to track down keys to open doors, but using Psynergy to move stuff or make ladders to open the way forward makes it more fun for the player and gives him a greater sense of achievement. That’s the fun part about Golden Sun and I think it’s indispensible.” – – Hiroyuki Takahashi, scriptwriter for the series

“We’re trying our best to have puzzle-solving aspects like that accessible with the DS stylus. You’re free to use the buttons, of course, but if you see a stylus icon onscreen, you can see that as our sort of invitation to try using that instead.” – Shugo Takahashi, Dark Dawn director

“It’s important that we have fun things for series veterans to discover, certainly. I can’t go into details, but I think you can expect surprises like that.”

“No. It’s a single game this time, although we will leave it up to the player to imagine what the world will be like after it’s over.”


This message was posted on the official n-Space Facebook page on Friday…

“Our last DS announcement will come in 2 weeks.”

I wouldn’t have guessed that n-Space was working on two GoldenEye titles for the DS at once, and I really have no idea what their last title for the year is. Anyone else want to take a guess?

1. [DS] Fire Emblem: Shin Monshou no Nazo Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu
2. [Wii] Dragon Quest Monsters: Battle Road Victory

3. [PS3] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2010
4. [Wii] Wii Party
5. [PSP] Last Ranker
6. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2010
7. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 3
8. [PS3] White Knight Chronicles 2
9. [PSP] Momotarou Dentetsu Tag Match: Yuujou – Doryoku – Shouri no Maki!
10. [DS] Harvest Moon: Twin Villages

Nintendo DS – 3,071,400 (-25%)
Wii – 2,455,700 (-19%)

Xbox 360 – 1,924,900 (+19%)
PlayStation 3 – 1,591,000 (+42%)
PSP – 599,300 (-35%)


It’s not very often that I am unable to access my computer for a number of consecutive hours. But tomorrow just so happens to be one of those days. I’ll be gone for a good portion of the day, but of course, I can’t just let the site die, right?! If all goes as planned, you guys shouldn’t really notice a huge difference with the site. Before I leave in the morning, I’ll schedule a few posts that will go live at specific times. Also, Austin will most likely be able to contribute a couple of quick news articles as well. If you don’t see anything, it means that there is either some sort of issue with the site or something happened to Austin. But let’s think positively!

On another site related note, I was hoping to bring something up quickly. As I’ve said in the past, I’d rather not implement/change anything on the site without hearing how you guys feel. In this case, your feedback is extra important. Basically, we are considering adding an additional ad to the site. You would see a page that covers the page for a few seconds, and then it disappears. You can skip it, or just wait until the ad expires (which shouldn’t be long at all). The ad would only show up every 24 hours and later, this will be changed to every 48 hours.

So, why are we even considering this? First, you may have noticed that the site has been experiencing some technical issues lately. The thing is, it’s really a result of the traffic we’ve been receiving, so we can’t exactly fix that immediately. We’d need to acquire an additional server, which costs a pretty penny. I’d also love the site to see a professional redesign, and it’d be great if we could do more contests/giveaways.

Still, I could understand if you guys think the ad is too intrusive, even with the 24/48 hours timer. This is really why I need to hear from you, though. Post a comment, send us an email. Just get a hold of us somehow and let us know what you think!

A few days ago, Famitsu told readers that they had secured a big feature for this week’s issue. The game turned out to be non Nintendo-related, but perhaps the next edition of the magazine could bring in some important news about the Wii or DS. Famitsu once again teased its readers, noting that surprising scoops will be shared for their July 29 issue. Unsurprisingly, no further details were shared, so we’ll just have to wait until leaks begin to appear one week from today.


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