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Game Informer review scores

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments

Tranformers War for Cybertron: 8.5 (SO: 8.75)
Toy Story 3: 8 (SO:  8)
Singularity: 8.5
NCAA Football 11: 9 (SO: 8.75) (co-GOTM)
Lego Harry Potter: 7.25
Limbo: 9 (co-GOTM)
Crackdown 2: 7.25 (SO: 7)
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker: 8
Dragon Quest IX: 8

Also worth noting, Game Informer rated/reviewed the E3 press conferences:

Nintendo: A-
Sony: B+
Microsoft: C+


It looks like Nintendo will be doing these Iwata Asks interviews in video form from now on. At least that’s what it seems! It started with E3, and now a set of Dragon Quest IX interviews have been released. You can check them out below.

Virtual Console

Metal Max 2 (800pts Super Famicom – Enterbrain)


Anyo Haseyo! Korean Word Puzzle (200pts – I.E. Institute)
Shunkan Jump Kentei (200pts – G-Style)
Adventure Kids: Paul’s Adventure (500pts – ICM)
Ugoite Asobu Diet (500pts – Genki Mobile)
Sankoku Daifug? (500pts – Silver Star Japan)
Dragon Quest Victory: Monster Battle Road DSiWare app


Rumor: More new Pokemon

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Rumors | 0 comments

Hatooboo (name not confirmed)

Rankurusu/Gochiruzeru (names not confirmed)

Kibago (name not confirmed)

Update: The Twitter account has been proven real via the company’s official website (thanks Ome), but I’m bumping this to the front page because Mistwalker says that their original message contained a typo. We’ll find out by the end of this year, not the end of this month.

Earlier this week, Nintendo released the first trailer of The Last Story. It only confirmed that the game will be released in Japan sometime this year, though the same cannot be said of North America and Europe. The good news is that we should be hearing an update about the overseas status of Mistwalker’s new title by the end of the month, as was noted on the company’s Twitter account.

“You will found it out by the end of this month.”

Regarding the validity of the Twitter account, I’m 99% sure it’s the real deal. I’ve been following it over the past several months, and there have been a ton of responses that have sounded legitimate. Also, I’m fairly certain that Twitter doesn’t confirm company accounts (or at least most, anyway), so you’ll never see a verification on the page that it’s real.

Source 1, Source 2


– Toribash (Nabi Studios , 1,000 Wii Points)
– Zenquaria: Virtual Aquarium (Nintendo, 600 Wii Points)

Virtual Console

– Shadow of the Ninja (Natsume Inc., NES, 600 Wii Points)


– SteamWorld: Tower Defense (Image & Form, 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
– Crazy Golf (dtp entertainment, 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
– 2Puzzle It – Fantasy (Neuland Multimedia, 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
– Hair Salon Pocket Stylist (505 Games, 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
– 16 Shot! SHOOTING WATCH (HUDSON SOFT, 200 Nintendo DSi Points)

“What excites me even more [than 3DS games] is that there’s technology built in that device to really combat piracy. The problem with the DS market in the last few years, particularly with the DS Lite, is that it’s just been attacked by piracy. It’s made it almost impossible to shift any significant volume. The DSi combated it a little bit, but the 3DS has taken that a step further. I actually asked Nintendo to explain the technology and they said it’s very difficult to do so because it’s so sophisticated. They combated the piracy on Dsi, which they don’t believe is cracked yet – but they know they’ve been hurt across the world and they believe the 3DS has got technology that can stop that. Therefore the opportunity for people to invest more in product development [on the system] and bring more 3DS products to market comes out of that. It’s going to probably cost us more to do it all in 3D – so we want to make sure we get a return on our investment when we do it.” – THQ’s executive VP of global publishing Ian Curran

I think it’s pretty clear that piracy has been a huge problem on the DS. Nintendo certainly has their work cut out for them with the 3DS, but it sounds like they have something interesting up their sleeves.


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