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“With the iPad going on sale, the epoch of Nintendo is finished. But with the DS and the Wii, it’s been digging its own grave.” – Masato Kato, the writer of FFVII, Xenogears and Chrono Trigger

Hmmm…I’m not too sure I agree with these remarks! Both of Nintendo’s current systems have been undeniably successful since they were released and paved the way for new types of gaming. I’d also say that the company has a bright future ahead with the 3DS.


– Mayu Watanabe from POP group AKB48 stars in the commercial.
– She will be featured in other Xenoblade commercials as well
– First ad is called “Kikai no Karada,” or “Body of a Machine”
– Song in the commercial is the ending theme
– Watanabe says “I want you to use this body as much as you want,” this phrase is important in Xenoblade according to Nintendo


Ben 10 Alien Force: The Rise of Hex – 306 blocks
Robocalypse – Beaver Defense – 300 blocks
Voodoo Dice – 287 blocks


Wild Guns – 22 blocks


X-Scape – 125 blocks
Hero of Sparta – 96 blocks
A Topsy Turvy Life: The Turvys Strike Back – 47 blocks
Telegraph Sudoku & Kakuro – 31 blocks

Since the game has only been out for a few days, the amount of total hours and hours per person will obviously increase. In my case, I’m trying to limit myself to a few stars a day so that I’ll be able to savor the game for at least a month!

Thanks to Scott M for the tip!


Worldwide release date and price

May 31st 2010 – BARCELONA

“Music on: Electronic Keyboard” for Nintendo DSiWareTM will be available for the European and Australian users on June 4th, and for the Americas on June 14th.

It is priced at only 200 Nintendo DSi PointsTM.

This application, first of the “Music on” series, will transform your Nintendo DSiTM in a complete electronic keyboard with a great variety of instruments and rhythms.

There have been a few rumors here and there that Epic Mickey has received an overhaul of sorts and that the game’s visual appearance has changed quite a bit since it was announced last October. The retooling apparently comes as a result of backlash from fans. Concept images were leaked prior to the title’s official reveal, but Epic Mickey’s in-game graphics disappointed fans as they failed to live up to the hype created by the impressive art.

A few weeks ago, the IGN Nintendo Voice Chat crew said that Junction Point Studios has been redeveloping certain aspects of the title, which backed up the initial speculation. Even though most of what has been said about Epic Mickey recently should be considered gossip for now, a confirmation may be on the horizon. E3 is a little over two weeks away, and rumor has it that Disney will be showcasing the updated build of the game at the event. Considering it’s the biggest gaming event of the year, it would be a wise choice to show off the game’s new look at the trade show.

Thanks to Robert for the tip!

Source 1, Source 2


Nintendo Week 5/31
Robocalypse – Beaver Defense
Voodoo Dice Info
Hero of Sparta Info
Topsy Turvy Life: The Turvys Strike Back


Dragon Ball: Origins 2
Rooms DS
Deca Sports DS Cheerleading Demo
Deca Sports DS Ping Pong Demo
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
James Patterson Women’s Murder Club: Games of Passion

Thanks to Ross M for the tip!

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