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Legal Action Reflects Global Efforts to Combat Video Game Piracy

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In the ongoing fight against video game piracy worldwide, Nintendo of America Inc. has filed a civil lawsuit against the owner of multiple websites that sell illegal video game copiers. Nintendo filed suit on May 11 in the Western District of Washington against the owner of NXPGAME of Queens, New York.

Nintendo investigated a website owned by NXPGAME and found that it was selling illegal video game copiers that enable the user to download, play and distribute illegal copies of Nintendo DS™ and Nintendo DSi™ video game software. After multiple letters and telephone calls from Nintendo’s legal counsel, the owner agreed to cease selling game copiers and closed his website. Shortly thereafter, the owner launched an identical business at a different website address, and redirected people who visited his old site to the new one to purchase illegal game copiers.

– Port of Necromancer 2
– Game was originally released for mobile phones
– Better visuals
– Dual screen action
– Releasing this June in Japan
– 800 points


The following information comes from the Q&A session of Nintendo’s investors briefing last week…

“When I spoke in January, I said that we should not think that we have to do everything with only internal resources and that I’d like to realize more speedy operations by smartly cooperating with people outside the company. My thought has not changed at all, and it is true that we are starting to share such an idea with various people, but I cannot share any concrete example here today because such a talk always involve someone outside the company and because we should publicly confirm any such alliance only after the necessary preparations are done. Hopefully, we will be able to share with you some ideas in a year or two, when you will be able to understand that it is something I was referring to today. We are making some progresses as time goes by.” – Satoru Iwata

Nintendo expressed similar sentiments following the Metroid: Other M announcement at last year’s E3. It doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing anything soon, however, seeing as how Iwata said that the company might have some ideas to share in a year or two.

Thanks to Robert for the tip!

I’ve been holding back on posting these details as the validity of the information (and even scans) have been questioned, but now it looks as though pretty much everything has been confirmed.

– New ability Zoroark/Zorua can use: Illusion
– Illusion let’s the user transform in a different Pokemon
– Trickery: Attack determined by enemy’s stats
– Claw Sharpen: Increases attack/accuracy
– You’ll be able to encounter Zoroark (level 25) by bringing Entei/Suicune/Raikou into Black/White, Zoroark will transform into those Pokemon, try to capture it when it stops transforming
– Mijumaru (water) – Torrent ability, .5m tall, 5.9kg in weight
– Tsutaji (grass) – Overgrown ability, .6 tall, 8.1kg in weight
– Pokabu (fire) – Blaze, .6 tall, 9.9kg in weight


13th May 2010: Join CommanderVideo in the latest BIT.TRIP instalment, BIT.TRIP RUNNER, where you’ll battle the MinerMech with friends and race across the moon to defeat the final boss in this action packed platformer on WiiWare.

Those looking for a bit of spine tingling fun will find hours of entertainment in Ghoul Patrol™ on Virtual Console this week. You’ll need to dodge flying books and adolescent-eating plants to restore peace to the library’s Goblin exhibit.

I apologize for the quality of the images, but we’ll definitely update this post when clearer scans or photos become available.

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