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01. / 00. [NDS] Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light (Pokemon Co.) – 160.532 / NEW
02. / 00. [PSP] .hack//Link (Namco Bandai) – 60.487 / NEW
03. / 00. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Ultimate Hits) (Square Enix) – 40.797 / NEW
04. / 04. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) – 40.685 / 3.452.350 (-10%)

05. / 00. [PSP] Kenka Bancho 4 :One Year War (Spike) – 36.515 / 108.019
06. / 08. [NDS] Friend Collection (Nintendo) – 35.208 / 2.917.199 (+6%)
07. / 00. [PS3] Nobunaga’s Ambition: Tendou (Koei) – 32.964 / NEW
08. / 05. [PSP] God Eater (Namco Bandai) – 28.945 / 543.494 (-35%)
09. / 09. [WII] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) – 25.926 / 1.720.218 (-13%)
10. / 03. [PS3] Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (Capcom) – 23.537 / 214.691 (-51%)

It looks like the next title to use Nintendo’s Super Guide will be Super Mario Galaxy 2. On the latest episode of GameTrailers TV, Senior Manager of Product Marketing, Bill Trinen, explained that the feature from New Super Mario Bros. Wii will be in the game, though possibly in a different form.

“You know, the Super Guide is something that… I really loved it, they used it a couple of ways in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. This time around they’re looking at trying to find a way to take advantage of it, maybe improve on, maybe something a little different than what was done in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. But I think it’s something that you can look forward to.”

Nintendo’s first-half line-up of games is practically a dream come true for fans. Two huge games – Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M – will be released in just a few months, as well as Sin and Punishment: Star Successor. With such an impressive first-half line-up, though, most Nintendo fans can’t help but wonder what Nintendo has up their sleeves for the remainder of the year. While Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aime wouldn’t reveal anything on the latest GameTrailers TV, he did say that he is confident about the second-half of the year because of the long tails of their titles that will have already been released and because of the new games that will launch later in 2010.

“I am confident. And I say that because we are very fortunate that we have titles with long tails. And so in this first-half of the year, we not only have the benefit of Galaxy 2 and Other M, as well as Sin and Punishment and Monster Hunter Tri and Red Steel 2, great line-up, but we also have still contributing strong sales of Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. My expectation for the second half is we’ll have not-only Fit Plus and Super Mario Bros. for Wii, but we’ll also have the ongoing tail of Galaxy 2 and Other M as well, plus all of the new titles. So yeah, I’m feeling pretty good for the second-half.

NBA Jam trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment

“It’s always difficult when people bring up Metroid Dread. The only thing people have heard about the game are rumors. We never had an official announcement at E3 or anything like that. I think there was at one point where a little bit of information leaked, but now we don’t know how to really talk about the project. All I can really say is that I wish I could put an end to the rumors! Oh, I’m not denying the existence of any documents that got out. What we’re doing right now, we’re waiting and watching and reading the comments to see what people are interested in before we make any comment on the project. So please be patient a little while longer.” – Metroid producer Yoshio Sakamoto

Sakamoto has already said that the possibility of a 2D Metroid for DS had been discussed in the past. But it’s strange that Sakamoto is so coy when Metroid Dread is mentioned by the press. There’s still a lot of mystery behind Dread, even though it was announced years ago. It’d be really neat if the title was eventually released for the DS.


Reggie’s back, this time through a new interview with IGN. This one’s a bit juicer than the quotes we posted a little while ago. Fils-Aime discusses the PlayStation Move, Zelda Wii, talked a bit about E3, and much more…

IGN: So — you got anything that can compete against Sony’s revolutionary Move controller and sub-controller?

[Reggie leans back in his chair and laughs for several moments.]

Reggie Fils-Aime: So, if imitation is the most sincere form of flattery then I am blushing I’m so flattered.

You know, I didn’t see the announcement. I did spend some time at the booth and saw some of what they were demonstrating and I think the question isn’t how will we react — I think the question is, so what is it that’s going to be compelling to the consumer in what they’re doing? From our standpoint, motion control is core to what we do. We believe that we’ve brought a range of different experiences that utilize the motion controller and we pride ourselves on being innovators in the space and we’re going to continue to innovate. I think the key question is, how will they respond when we continue to innovate if this is their best effort?

“For us high definition by itself is not the next frontier. For us we need to provide a whole new compelling experience in our next generation. When Mr. Miyamoto goes to Mr. Iwata and says. ‘I have this great idea and I can’t do it on the Wii,’ that’s when there will be a next generation console. What that includes we’ll see. I think Mr. Miyamoto himself has said that he is very interested in a high-definition experience, but to be 120 percent crystal clear, HD by itself in our view is not enough to go for a new console past the Wii. [Nintendo’s next console will have to be something] consistent with what we brought to market with Wii and with DS. It will be mainstream. It will be encouraging more and more consumers to get into this category that we love. It will provide new, unique, compelling experiences that are meaningful to that large potential consumer base. Those are the principles that drive us.”

“I think a hallmark of Nintendo is that we are constantly trying to innovate. I think we would have been embarrassed to do what our competitors are currently doing. So, all I can tell you is that we will innovate. We will provide something new. Something that the consumer and the industry will look at and say ‘Wow, I didn’t see that coming.'” – Reggie Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America

“We just celebrated our fourth holiday. During that December we sold over 3.8 million units just in the United States. We sold so well in the holiday that we are now in a position of once again chasing consumer demand. What I can tell you is that that seems to suggest that the Wii still has a very long, very vibrant life in front of it.” – Reggie Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America

Wow, Reggie had quite a bit to say, didn’t he? It definitely seems that Miyamoto will have a huge impact on when the Wii’s successor is released. Also, it doesn’t seem like Reggie is too happy with Sony and Microsoft!

Source claims to have some details about the successor to the DS. Supposedly, the details come from developers at GDC. Keep in mind, however, that you should treat the information below as rumor for now.

– 2 screens
– Screens are bigger and are of higher resolution
– Gap between the two screens is very small
– Developers will be able to use both screens as one big screen (seen in some DS games)
– System will have an accelerometer
– Dev kit is similar in power to the GameCube, devs with GCN/Wii experience will be able to create games somewhat easily
– Developers indicating that there isn’t much of a learning curve with the kit
– Some developers will have their games complete before the end of 2010
– System might be announced at E3, might release this year

Source 1, Source 2

Yoshio Sakamoto, Metroid: Other M producer, on working with Team Ninja…

“The original design concept came from me, but then we went and assembled a team that could pull this off. And in this case it was people from Team Ninja, who we really thought was the best fit. But they’ve also provided a lot of core ideas that have influenced the direction of the game, particularly the director, Mr. Hayashi. So, as I mentioned in the speech today, it’s not so much that we’re dividing up tasks but collaborating as equals.

After E3 and the initial announcement a lot of people were making comments like, ‘Oh, it seems like they’ve dumped Retro for this series and they want to go with another developer,’ as if it was a big switch-off. But, in actuality, that is far from the case; rather, we just wanted to put together the best team that we could to make this project, which turns out to be Project M.”

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