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We already know that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars will be considerably different than its first Japanese release, Cross Generation of Heroes. Some of the more significant changes are the inclusion of new characters and the added online mode. But according to a post written on Udon’s blog, Ultimate All-Stars will feature new endings as well. Udon has created 26 endings for the title, each of which can be viewed once you complete a character’s story.


– Patent filed by Nobutaka Nakajima
– Drum game requires two remotes
– When the remotes are inserted, use a desk/other flat surfaces like a drum
– Stick inside the shells absorb the shock
– Play the notes on beat
– Angle of impact changes the drum sound (ex: down = tom drum, left = snare drum)


“In 2010, you won’t see as many Wii games from Capcom, but the ones we release will be much larger, event-size games. I also expect to see the market dominated more and more by Nintendo releases with fewer games from the major third parties, like EA, Activision, and Ubisoft.” – Chris Kramer, Capcom senior director of communications and community

I have absolutely no problem with this news. In the first half of 2010, two significant games – Monster Hunter 3 and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom – will be released. If Capcom can continue to ship high-quality titles like those, I’m sure Wii owners will be satisfied.

Source 1, Source 2

Safar’Wii screenshots

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

Nintendo Wii

North America
1. EA Sports Active (EA Games)
2. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
4. Just Dance (Ubisoft)
5. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo

1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
2. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
4. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
5. Momotarou Dentetsu 2010 (Hudson)

1. Just Dance (Ubisoft)
2. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
4. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)

Nintendo DS

North America
1. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo)
2. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
3. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
4. Scribblenauts (Warner Bros.)
5. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (Nintendo)

1. Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo)
2. Zelda no Densetsu: Daichi no Kiteki (Nintendo)
3. Love Plus (Konami)
4. Pocket Monsters: Soul Silver (Nintendo)
5. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)

1. Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box (Nintendo)
2. Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training (Nintendo)
3. Puzzler World (Ubisoft)
4. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Nintendo)
5. Peppa Pig: The Game (Ubisoft)


This data comes from Famitsu, which used data from November 30 to December 27.

01. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) – 2,485,150 / NEW
02. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix) – 1,698,256 / NEW
03. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo) – 602,739 / 2,311,948
04. [PSP] Phantasy Star Portable 2 (Sega) – 443,216 / NEW
05. [NDS] Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver (Pokemon) – 360,896 / 3,382,597
06. [WII] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) – 356,405 / 1,298,533

07. [PSP] Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gundam Vs. Gundam Next Plus (Bandai Namco Games) – 339,034 / NEW
08. [NDS] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo) – 320,940 / NEW
09. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha – Fire / Blizzard (Level 5) – 284,511 / 943,615
10. [NDS] Layton Kyouju to Majin no Fue (Level 5) – 250,795 / 552,085



Stop Stress: A day of fury
Stunt Cars


Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi – SEGA MEGA DRIVE


Art Academy: Second Semester
Move your Brain – Rollway Puzzle

Calling screenshots

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

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