Ubisoft talks about E3 preparations with Beyond Good & Evil 2 image
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Beyond Good & Evil 2 may not be dead. Well, Ubisoft seems to at least remember that it had announced the game at one point.
The company posted the following content on its Facebook page late last week with regard to E3 2013:

“We’re a bit busy prepping for E3. Time to call in some reinforcements. (Points if you remember this classic character!)”
Surely Ubisoft isn’t just messing with us, right…? Beyond Good & Evil 2 has to come back at this point. It’s been waaaaaaay too long since Ubisoft announced the game!
Nintendo at E3 – a look back – E3 2008
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, General Nintendo, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
If you were to ask any Nintendo fan about which E3 conference was Nintendo’s worst, most would probably point to E3 2008.
The briefing was completely devoid of announcements for the hardcore audience, and there was very little news in general.
So what was there? From Nintendo, the company announced Animal Crossing: City Folk, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Music. That’s it.
Arguably the biggest announcement was Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for the DS, but no trailer (or screenshots) was shown.
E3 2008 led to several cringe-worthy moments. Cammie Dunaway made her debut and talked about breaking her wrist snowboarding, while Ravi Drums was banging away on virtual drums like a madman.
At least we got a few memes out of the whole thing!
QUBE’s Wii U version is “Director’s Cut”
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
QUBE in ONM (readable) #officialnintendomagazine twitter.com/shred__head/st…
— Daniel Da Rocha (@shred__head) June 7, 2013
A couple of month’s ago, QUBE’s developer showed an image of the game running on Wii U. This month’s ONM officially confirms QUBE: Director’s Cut for the Wii U eShop.
Director Dan Da Rocha said that the team is “revamping the game for the Wii U, bringing in an all-new story, an entirely new music composition, new puzzles and a time trial mode with 10 maps.”
QUBE: Director’s Cut is estimated to launch this fall.
Nintendo teases more StreetPass Mii Plaza visitors during E3
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
More Nintendo Miis look to be on the way during E3 week. The following image was shared on the company’s Facebook page a few hours ago:

Masahiro Sakurai, maybe? Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda? I’m just throwing out a couple of guesses!
Dinosaur Planet – screencaps from unreleased trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Images | 0 comments
Before there was Star Fox Adventures, Rare was cooking up Dinosaur Planet for the Nintendo 64. A trailer was prepared for the game back in September 2000, but never released. We do, however, have a few screencaps from the video that you can view in the gallery above.
Skylanders Swap Force boxart, screenshot, pre-order image
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Screenshots, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Another round of Mutant Mudds Deluxe footage
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies screenshots, details
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 0 comments
Capcom updated the Japanese Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies website once again with screenshots and details. The page’s latest content is posted below.
– Athena’s Mood Matrix can assist you in reading emotions
– Not all emotions are stable and easy to read
– Apollo will be using his deduction skills in solving a crime that hits the youkai enthusiast village he was dragged to by Trucy
– Mood Matrix comes from Athena Cykes’ necklace
– This lets you examine witnesses’ emotions to help solve cases
– In one case, it can be used to help solve the case surrounding the death of a youkai enthusiast village’s mayor
– When overwhelmed by emotions such as fear, people’s memories and emotions get mixed up so it won’t be as easy to find the truth
– When Trucy’s friend Yumemi Tenma is called upon to testify on the case of the mayor’s death, the Mood Matrix picks up a bunch of youkai spirits, which are clogging up her memories
– This is due to the girl’s fear of ghosts and spiritual phenomenon
– Using the Mood Matrix, need to find which youkai seems to be bringing out the most fear in Yumemi
– In this case, it seems to be a cat monster riding on what looks like a flaming wheel
– The flaming wheel was actually a chandelier that was an important key to solving the case
– By getting a closer look at the witnesses’ emotions using the Mood Matrix, you’ll be able to work your way to finding the truth, one step at a time
– Apollo has the “Thought Route” ability
– This is similar to the Logic feature in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
– Players will use the Thought Route towards the end when Apollo is just a step away from finishing the trial, but can’t seem to put the nail in the coffin
– By looking back at facts, Apollo will be able to deduce a series of paths accordingly
– The game will present several choices from facts that were revealed to related key items
– As you make your choice, you’ll advance to the next branch of deduction until everything becomes clear
– Multiple routes for the Thought Route that must be deduced to find the one truth
– Can keep trying until you figure it out even if you make mistakes
– Useful when a case is just about to wrap up
– Third chapter takes place in the middle of a school festival
n-Space staffer was involved with porting large portions of studio’s engine tech to Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments

n-Space, known for games such as Geist and Heroes of Ruin, seems to be involved with Wii U.
At the moment, n-Space doesn’t have any announced projects in development for the platform. But lead engineer Justin Hare lists on his LinkedIn profile: “Ported large parts of nSpace engine tech to Wii-U”.
n-Space worked on quite a few Wii games, so it wouldn’t be too surprising so see them make the jump to Wii U. It’d be pretty neat if the studio revived Winter for the system!