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Ninja Gaiden 3 started out as a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game. For the Wii U’s launch, Team Ninja made a new “Razor’s Edge” version. Now that game is going back to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Hopefully that’s not too confusing!

The new release of Razor’s Edge on the PS3 and 360 will include some new content such as additional Ninja Trials and costumes. Fortunately, these items will be coming to the Wii U version for free. An update is due later this month that will bring along 25 Ninja Trials as well as costumes for Ryu, Ayane, Kasumi and Momiji.

Nintendo of Europe finally confirmed a release date for Fire Emblem: Awakening in Europe: April 16. Additionally, the company announced a 3DS XL bundle for the continent.

You read that correctly: 3DS XL, not 3DS.

North America and Europe also received Fire Emblem bundles, but both included original 3DS models. Europe’s package includes the special blue 3DS XL.


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