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D3Publisher has revealed the different bosses included in “Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!”. You can find an overview of each below, as well as screenshots.

Nintendo’s has responded to the latest NPD sales results.

The 3DS was once again the best-selling console in the US, and Wii U hardware sales saw a boost as well. The console saw a 200 percent rise over August – and that’s with only 15 days of data being reported at the new $299.99 price point.

You can find Nintendo’s full response below.

Players will unlock a new difficulty level after completing A Link Between Worlds. That comes directly from Eiji Aonuma, producer of the series.

Gameswelt has obtained information from Aonuma about A Link Between Worlds’ development as well. Over 90 staffers worked on the game, and first ideas for the game were collected after Spirit Tracks was completed.

Source 1, Source 2

pokemon x/y x and y

“We take compliance with all industry standards and regulations very seriously. It was extremely disappointing to see a number of competitors break street date over Thursday and Friday on Nintendo products across both online and store environments.”

“We are seeing street date breaches occur on a frequent basis and this undermines the work which goes in to creating exceptional launches. We’ve worked very closely with Nintendo in the run-up to launch in order to make them as successful as possible. We have worked with them on every decision taken.”

– GAME category director Charlotte Knight

This comes in response to multiple retailers allowing folks to purchase Pokémon X/Y early, which greatly upset Nintendo and may have caused fines to be issued in certain cases. GAME has been guilty of breaking street dates before, however– just not with such colossal franchises.


CVG has published an extensive interview with Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. In the discussion, Aonuma commented on the impact of HD development for the series, fan feedback (including the “Zelda cycle”), online connectivity, and a bunch more.

You can find CVG’s full piece here. We’ve also posted the Q&A after the break.

Hulu Plus launches on 3DS

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Hulu Plus is now available on the 3DS, Nintendo has announced. System owners can stream TV shows, movies, and other video content directly to their handheld.

A Hulu Plus app can be downloaded directly from the eShop. Existing subscribers can begin watching videos immediately, while new users will be given a one-week free trial.

You can find today’s official announcement below.

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