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How to beat Glasya-Labolas Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance

It’s not too long after your first encounter with the Qadištu in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance that you’ll encounter one of them again, and the second time around can be an extremely nasty fight that will likely catch many players off guard, as there is little warning before you’re thrown into it. In this guide we’ll give you some tips to prepare for and overcome this second round with the game’s new antagonists.

Money Money Badge Paper Mario Thousand Year Door

The Money Money Badge is one of the most useful Badges Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has to offer. It drastically increases the number of Coins you earn after a battle, and there are two instances of these Badges that you can collect. You can get the first one by grinding Piantas at the Pianta Parlor, which is fairly self-explanatory. The second one, however, is given as a prize via a Boo in the Creepy Steeple. If you can pass his quiz, you’ll eventually receive a second Money Money Badge.

How to beat Namaah Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance

In the Canon of Vengeance in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance the Nahobino and his allies will face off against the Qadištu, a new group of demons with their own mysterious agenda. Before reaching the Diet building after traversing the Netherworld, you’ll come face-to-face with the first member of this group. Aogami will warn you of a tough fight ahead, but it can be more difficult than expected. We’ll go over what you can expect, and suggest some strategies to make your life a little easier. Be warned that there will be spoilers below!

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Essences

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance has a huge variety of demons for the player to battle against and recruit, and every one of these demons has an Essence that can be acquired and used to improve your odds of surviving in battle by learning new Skills and Affinities. In this guide we’ll go over what Essence is, what it’s used for, and how you can acquire it.

If you’ve been playing Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, you might be wondering what the canon name of your player character is. With a little digging, we’ve managed to uncover a tentative answer.

Like many RPGs, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance will allow you to name the protagonist yourself. However, the game does not provide you with a default name to use if you don’t have one in mind or would prefer to go with a canon name, and in-game he is referred to only as “the Nahobino” by party members, or “young man” by Aogami. 

best miracles Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

If you’re wondering which Miracles would be the best to spend your Glory on in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, we’ve got you covered here.

Unless you’ve purchased the Mitama DLC, Glory is easily the scarcest resource you’ll have in the game, which is obtained sporadically in small amounts. You’ll have to be very selective about which Miracles you purchase, so it’s important to pick the ones which will give you the most value, especially during your first playthrough. 

Triumvirate guide Splatoon 3

The Triumvirate is a new King Salmonid challenge introduced alongside Splatoon 3’s Big Big Run event. Like the other King Salmonid battles, the Triumvirate has a chance of appearing at the end of Wave 3 if your King Salmonid meter is full. When it appears, you’ll need to take on a Cohozuna, Horroboros, and Megalodontia all at once. This is one of Splatoon 3’s greatest challenges, and we’ve written up a Triumvirate guide with all of the best strategies and tips for taking down all three King Salmonids in one go. When the Triumvirate appears, you will be given a random Grizzco weapon, which means there’s a certain element of randomness to winning the battle.


Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance tips

In this guide we’ll give you some tips to help you get started in your journey through Da’at as the Nahobino in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. If you’re just starting out, it can be a little bit overwhelming at times, and it can be difficult to know if you’re really making the best use of your time or very limited resources given the higher difficulty of combat.

There’s a wide variety of Badges to use in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, and today we’re going over a list of some of the best ones you can get. Badges are extremely helpful, and when Mario levels up, you can choose to increase his HP, FP, or BP. While most players understandably aim for a balance between the stats, BP is actually so useful that you can focus solely on increasing it and still be fine.

7 Star Emboar guide Pokemon Scarlet Violet

The 7 Star Emboar Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is now live, and we have a guide for it ready to go. For this event, Emboar is running Tera Electric, so it’s only weak to Ground-type attacks. The first wave of the event ends on June 16, but it comes back from June 21 to June 23 – this should give you plenty of time to prepare a counter as per one of our recommendations.

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