SEGA restructuring, cancelling games
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Sega Sammy Holdings will be restructuring its SEGA consumer division in the wake of some disappointing financial results for the current fiscal year. The company hopes to rebound by implementing a couple of significant moves.
First, SEGA will be cutting down on the amount of niche IPs in favor of established franchises including Sonic the Hedgehog, Football Manager, Total War, and Aliens. It’s been confirmed that, sadly, some titles will be cancelled.
Andriasang also reports that there will be a “Streamlining of US and European organizations which will result in a smaller company positioned for sustained profitability.”
Nintendo Week comes to an end
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments

After debuting on the Nintendo Channel over two years ago, Nintendo Week has finally come to an end.
In a rather surprising and immediate announcement, Gary announced his departure at the end of the latest episode. That was followed up with a string of text which states:
“Thanks for watching Nintendo Week! We’ve had a great time bringing you the latest news about Nintendo games and hardware, and we hope that you’ll keep playing Nintendo games!”
The Nintendo Show 3D will not be affected. It will continue to run on a biweekly basis on the eShop.
Nintendo Week (3/29/12)
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
On this week’s episode: Kid Icarus: Uprising, Xenoblade Chronicles and Crush3D.
Iwata Asks: Kid Icarus: Uprising (part 2) – Game began development on PC/Wii
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
Nintendo has published the second (and possibly final) edition of the Iwata Asks: Kid Icarus: Uprising interview. Although it’s a bit shorter than most Iwata Asks, it does contain a few interesting tidbits.
For instance, did you know that Kid Icarus: Uprising was being developed on the PC and Wii? This was because Project Sora didn’t have access to 3DS development kits initially.
You can read about that – and more – in the detailed summary below. Before proceeding, be aware that there are a few small, nonspecific spoilers in the “After the Medusa Battle” section!
Yoshinori Ono taking a break from work
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono landed in the hospital not too long ago. Ono felt ill and fainted at the Asian launch event for Street Fighter X Tekken.
Ono is out of the hospital, but he says that he’ll be taking a break from his responsibilities.
Ono told fans on Twitter,
“I caused you so much worry for a while. I went back to work. [The Street Fighter] team are working wholeheartedly on patches for SF X TK. Please wait just a little longer.
“I apologise for that. And thanks for a lot of get-well messages! I’ll refrain from work [on my] current job for a while. Another person [is] in charge of the SF series for a while. Of course I’ll [give] constant support to it.
“I’ll be out of the limelight [of] fighting game series for a while. I’ll think about the new future of fighting games after this.”
The patch Ono is referring to will address a bug with online battles. While fighting others, some of the game’s sound effects simply do not play.
Capcom to open retail store in Japan next month
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Apparently Capcom will be opening a full-blown retail store in Japan next month. It will be located in the Odaiba region of Tokyo.
Capcom will host events at the shop and the company plans on offering Wi-Fi for Monster Hunter battles. It’ll also have unique sculptures that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Regarding the merchandise in the shop, Capcom will be carrying over some items that were sold exclusively on its e-Store, according to Destructoid.
Capcom’s new store will open on April 14.
Namco Bandai’s teaser site updates, hints at action adventure title
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments

Namco Bandai’s mystery teaser site was updated earlier today.
This time, we’ve been given a small clue! The text on the site says “??? x Action Adventure.”
Silicon Knights on Eternal Darkness IP ownership, sequel, says Nintendo is their silent partner
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Update: Despite the upload date on DailyMotion, it turns out that the interview is several years old. Having said that, there’s still a good amount of hope for Eternal Darkness 2…
No one knows what Silicon Knights is working on currently – other than the folks inside the studio of course.
Eternal Darkness is arguably the company’s most-successful title (at least in terms of its critical reception), so fans have been hoping that they may return to the IP one day. Nintendo renewed the Eternal Darkness trademark a couple years back, and Silicon Knights head Denis Dyack did recently say that a sequel isn’t too much to ask for.
So can we expect Eternal Darkness II then? Well, that’s still not clear, nor is the status of the IP’s ownership.
When asked about the ownership of the Eternal Darkness franchise (Nintendo or Silicon Knights), Dyack wouldn’t reveal the answer. He was also unwilling to talk about a sequel. Apparently some people have interpreted some of his previous quotes as a confirmation that Eternal Darkness 2 is in the works, but that was never the case.
Dyack did say something very interesting about Silicon Knights’ relationship with Nintendo, though. He stated, “Nintendo is still our silent partner – a lot of people don’t know that.”
“That’s a question we’ve never answered. And at the end of the day, it’s not time to even talk about those kind of things for various different reasons. Nintendo is still our silent partner – a lot of people don’t know that. We have a great relationship with those guys and it’s not time to talk about Eternal Darkness 2. I’ve had so many questions and it’s been interpreted a couple of times where I said, ‘Yes, we’re working on Eternal Darkness 2.’ We’ve never said that. So, sorry. That’s the best I can give you.”
Dyack was later pushed about the IP’s ownership again, but still wouldn’t provide an answer:
“It’s a complicated question with a complicated answer and we’re not answering the question.”
Thanks to unithack for the tip!
Namco Bandai’s new teaser site
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments

Namco Bandai opened up a new teaser site today. There’s really not much to it currently… the page simply contains a large “X” with a tiny bit of animation.
You can take a look at the teaser here.
Thanks to 4Him for the tip!
Announcement planned for next Pokemon Smash
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Smash brought us the goods on Pokemon Black/White 2, and now the show is teasing another announcement. Serebii reports that “The contents of this announcement are not currently known but the wording states that this announcement is something completely new and obviously Pokémon related.”
I have a feeling that this is related to Black/White 2. The games will be released in Japan within the next three months, so they need to start sharing concrete details about the project. Maybe we’ll see the first footage/images/gameplay details?