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General Nintendo

On this week’s episode: Mario Party 9, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, Swapnote and the show’s favorite women from Nintendo games.

Update: Aaaaaand that’s it.

Super Mario 3D Land director Koichi Hayashida is speaking at GDC right now. I’ll keep this post updated with any quotes/tidbits/news throughout the event.

“We must strive to make others laugh with strange new ideas”

Mr. Hayashida is explaining all the trouble they went through to perfect the stereoscopic 3D in #SuperMario3D.

Mr. H is talking about how they used 3D illusions in #SuperMario3D

“It’s very important to let people play the game they want to.”

Satisfying both beginner and elite gamers is always challenging, which is why the first few worlds of #SuperMario3D were so easy!

“Enjoy everything!” – Mr. Hayashida


Although Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem was well received by critics, the classic GameCube title never lit up the sales charts. Even so, Silicon Knights is open to making a sequel.

Silicon Knights head Denis Dyack provided the following response when asked if “it’s too much to ask” for a new Eternal Darkness game:

“I don’t think it is too much to ask. Certainly we love Eternal Darkness. It’s a project that’s near and dear to our hearts.”

Dyack went on to say that a sequel is “requested a lot by a lot of people” and that “anything’s possible.” He wasn’t willing to say what the studio is working on currently.


The image above, which has been sent out to various members of the press, is teasing an upcoming reveal from Warren Spector. Spector will be sharing the first news about his “epic” new project.

Come on, this has to be Epic Mickey 2, right?


Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno was recently asked a series of questions about the franchise in an interview with IGN. Konno discussed how the roster and tracks are considered, making sure its still accessible when adding in new features, how and why Retro was brought in for Mario Kart 7’s development (though this was previously discussed in Iwata Asks), and more.

In terms of specific, interesting content divulged by Mario Kart’s head honcho, Konno stated that the team thought about adding in Wiggler for Mario Kart Wii, expressed uncertainty about the return of character specific abilities from Mario Kart: Double Dash, and how “the need to significantly change the Mario Kart series will arise if an innovation is developed that will enable more people to enjoy Mario Kart.”

All of Konno’s remarks can be found after the break.

EA has just sent out word about a new studio named “EA Gothenburg”. This division will be responsible for “making a new generation of games on the Frostbite 2 engine.”

EA Gothenburg will be located on the west coast of Sweden.

The studio is looking to fill quite a few positions, including producer, creative director, and art director. You can find out more about these jobs and more here.

Source: EA PR

Square Enix opened an official page for Final Fantasy’s 25th anniversary today. It doesn’t contain much at the moment, but it’s certainly pretty to look at. You can find information relating to games in the series from the page here.

IO Interactive To Showcase Hitman: Absolution Crowd Technology

Eidos-Montréal Contends for Leading Accolades at Annual Developer Gathering

LOS ANGELES (Feb. 29, 2012) – Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in the Americas, today detailed the company’s planned presence at this year’s Game Developers Conference (GDC), to be held in San Francisco March 5 – 9. Square Enix participation will include several new hands-on media demos for the company’s upcoming titles, participation in development panels, as well as major nominations for last year’s smash, DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION®, at the annual Game Developers Choice Awards.

Hit Square Enix games, including DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION, Hitman: Absolution™ and SPACE INVADERS INFINITY GENE®, will be presented as part of insightful development panels during the Game Developers Conference. Details on each of these panels include:

Part 2!

I’ve tried starting this article a bunch of times now and I can’t quite strike the right tone so I’m just going to reveal the punch line right away instead of doing some drawn out build up because I’m supposed to: Game reviews are stupid, and gaming-related articles are stupid. The whole façade that we (us gaming writers) know what we’re talking about is stupid, and it’s just that; a façade. Every single person who sits in front of a keyboard to write about video games has a job to do, and that’s to make their readers think they are smarter than them. I’m here to let you know that they’re not smarter than you. I’m not smarter than you. Hell, I’m probably way dumber than you, and that is okay. I just want to make you feel like your opinion is worth more than any game journalist’s.

There haven’t been a whole lot of updates about Ikachan for DSiWare, but Nicalis is still working on the project. Nicalis head Tyrone Rodriguez shares some details in the video above and even shows a tiny bit of blurry footage!

Rodriguez also opened up about the possibility of making an original title, says that they’re wrapping up NightSky for the 3DS, comments on a “small surprise” for the 3DS this summer, and teases a game that will be on the Wii U and 3DS – which could be their first multiplayer title.


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