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General Nintendo

Been a while, guys! Still shakin’ the rust off… :b

Dual analog controls were something that fans would have been interested in seeing with the PSP. Responding to those requests, Sony made it a point to include two sticks for Vita. Nintendo also had the opportunity to include dual analog controls with their new portable, the 3DS, but opted for one Circle Pad instead.

As we saw just recently, however, Nintendo wasn’t satisified with one analog nub. That’s why they introduced the 3DS Circle Pad accesorry that numerous high-profile titles will take advantage of.

The additional Circle Pad attachment caused quite a bit of controversy when it was first revealed. Even some third-party developers aren’t pleased with the news.

You might be wondering what Sony thinks about the 3DS Circle Pad attachment. Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment’s worldwide studios, actually said in a recent interview that “It was a bit shocking to see what they came up with.”

Here’s his full remarks:

“Well it’s not like they looked at PS Vita and said ‘we need to do that as well.’ I don’t know. It’s clear that they didn’t believe a second analog was necessary when they designed the 3DS, so I can only guess it was requested by Capcom’s side. Maybe a Capcom producer told Nintendo that to play Monster Hunter we need [two] analog sticks. That I don’t know, so I can only guesstimate. It was a bit shocking to see what they came up with.”

Valve has never made a game for a handheld system. Based on a recent comment from the company, it doesn’t sound like they’ll be changing their policy anytime soon.

Regarding portable gaming, Valve’s Chet Faliszek said:

“We’re about people sitting on their couches or at their desks. We haven’t forayed into that space. It’s just not a space our engine has been looked at or optimized for.”

I wouldn’t expect Valve to make any titles for the 3DS, but this officially rules out any possibility. Let’s hope that they’ll be open to bringing some content to Wii U…


Although the 2011 Tokyo Game Show won’t technically begin until Thursday, companies have conferences lined up starting tonight. We don’t know which publishers and developers will have Nintendo-related announcements, but the schedule above (created by the kind folks on NeoGAF) should come in handy. It’s possible that the Namco Bandai event will bring us some news for example, though we simply won’t know until it’s over.

Anything that isn’t covered here will certainly be covered on our sister site, such as Sony’s TGS presentation.


As part of The Legend of Zelda(tm) 25th Anniversary celebrations Nintendo are offering you three more ways to celebrate all things Zelda as The Legend of Zelda(tm): Four Swords Anniversary Edition, Limited Edition prepaid card for downloadable games and The Legend of Zelda(tm): Skyward Sword all arrive before the end of this year.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword represents one of the deepest and richest experiences ever produced by Nintendo. More than 100 staff members have been working for five years to produce the epic story, which includes a new approach to game play and more than 100 minutes of cinematic cut scenes. The game also will feature a boss challenge mode and, for players who need assistance, optional hint movies to help them along. Make sure you experience this epic adventure when it launches on 18th November across Europe for Wii

Namco Bandai has wrapped up development on Tales of Xillia, which means it’s already time to think about the next title in the series. Whatever that project may be, we’ll be finding out about it very soon.

Namco Bandai has opened a new teaser page for the series, with a reveal set for the Tokyo Game Show. Details will be provided on the first day of the show.

You can find the site here.


Serbii has also provided the following summary of the teaser:

“Pokémon Smash’s episode just aired in Japan and mentioned that Mewtwo is to be given away through an event soon with details to be revealed next week. The preview showcased Masuda coming in and showing a sign, blanked out, with a caption saying that there’s a revelation of the Present.”


A listing from TV Tokyo has revealed that the September 18th episode of Pokemon Smash will see a “massive shock announcement”. Pokémon Game Creator Junichi Masuda will be present to share the news.

This sounds eerily similar to the tease we saw for Pokemon Black/White a “shock announcement” was planned in April of last year. A few days later, the pair of titles was announced.

Could the mystery reveal be leaked in CoroCoro magazine? Will Nintendo make an early announcement during their 3DS Conference on Monday? No matter what happens, we should be finding out very soon.


Square Enix has shared a map of their booth for the Tokyo Game Show next week. For the most part, there aren’t any surprises. The map is filled with titles that the company has previously announced, including Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Partner games are featured on the map as well.

However, there is one mystery area that should be pointed out. It’s a fairly large circle area with a “???” mark attached.

Could it be related to this new teaser site? Or perhaps it’s Final Fantasy: 4 Warriors of Light 2, which has been rumored for several weeks.

Not sure why, but I have an unusual amount of inspiration this evening! It’s a Wednesday night, I’m stressed out of my mind with work and school, yet I feel a weird urge to come on out here and write something so you all have something to think about when you begin your Thursdays across the globe! We’re halfway done with the week, so hang tight and a couple of days off will be at your doorstep in no time.

So last night we heard about two things, and if you’re a frequent visitor of the site, you most certainly are well acquainted with them by now: Monster Hunter Tri G, and the new 3DS Circle Pad attachment. In case you haven’t gotten all caught up, here’s the skinny on both of them:

3DS Circle Pad Attachment – Rundown/Your Thoughts?

First Monster Hunter Tri G Details

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