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This information comes from Nintendo UK’s Head of Communications, Rob Saunders, who was asked if positive reactions to the 3DS will mean we’ll see 3D in future Nintendo consoles…

“It’s a good question. The honest answer is that if I told you I’d have to kill you. We’ve had 3D running on past consoles for a number of years and we have had 3D running on the original DS, the Gamecube and the Wii. That’s no secret, we said that at E3 last year, but now it feels like the right time to bring 3D to the market. ‘So ‘never say never’; we’re always working on new consoles and new applications, things like that. We’re always very keen at Nintendo, we always start work on the next home console as soon as the previous one’s released. So we are working on something and we’re always looking at new ideas and new developments, so that work is underway. As to what it pertains to and what it is… Even I don’t know!”

I wouldn’t expect Saunders to know too much about Nintendo’s next home console. However, Satoru Iwata has indicated that 3D functionality could be possible for the Wii’s successor…


1. Mario (Donkey Kong, Nintendo, 1981)
2. Link (The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo, 1986)
3. Master Chief (Halo: Combat Evolved, Microsoft, 2001)
4. Solid Snake (Metal Gear, Konami, 1987)
5. Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII, Square, 1997)
6. PAC-Man (PAC-Man, Namco, 1980)
7. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider, Eidos 1996)
8. Gordon Freeman (Half-Life, Valve, 1998)
9. Kratos (God of War, Sony, 2005)
10. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega, 1990)
11. Crash (Crash Bandicoot, Sony, 1996)
12. “Soap” MacTavish (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Activision, 2007)
13. Nico Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar, 2008)
14. Samus Aran (Metroid, Nintendo 1986)
15. Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank, Sony, 2002)
16. Nathan Drake (Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Sony, 2007)
17. Captain Price (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Activision, 2007)
18. Kirby (Kirby’s Dream Land, Nintendo, 1992)
19. Marcus Fenix (Gears of War, Microsoft, 2006)
20. Pikachu (Pokemon Red/Green, Nintendo 1996)

Yet another discovery has been made today on the profile of a person’s Behance profile. Nubytech’s Alfredo Tato designed a number of unique controllers in the past, including one for Resident Evil 4. One controller never made it to market, though – a Zelda prototype based on Twilight Princess. Check out some photos of the controller above – it’s definitely interesting, to say the least!


Junichi Masuda, co-founder of Game Freak and director of Pokemon Black & White was first asked if there could be a Pokemon title that was a main part of the series on Wii…

“I don’t think so. I think the Pokemon core series is always going to be with handheld hardware, in the future as well. I consider handheld hardware you can carry around with you as almost being equal to being with Pokemon, always. I think handheld really matches the idea of Pokemon that we have. Also, you can communicate and transfer data all the time, whenever you want with a handheld. That’s also a match with the Pokemon concept.”

Masuda was then asked if the increased connectivity of home consoles would allow them to overcome the portability concept…

“What I think is best for the Pokemon series is to be able to carry it in a portable device, to be able to go anywhere and have fun with people, to not be bound to any one spot. I mean in the future it’d be nice to work on other systems if they were more portable.”

Lastly, Masuda was asked what form a Wii Pokemon title would take…

“Obviously the home console allows people to get together, for parties, and those sorts of things. Maybe in the future, if we can think of a way to do something cool with that, then that’s the sort of environment we can work in.”

I know this sounds discouraging in terms of receiving a proper Pokemon RPG for Wii, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Although we know that there’s a game in development for the console, literally nothing has been said about the project… we don’t even know how involved Masuda is. Let’s just hope it isn’t a party game!


UK gamers were given the opportunity to play the 3DS in Bristol over the past couple of days, and the hologram demonstration above was available for all to see. Short and sweet video, but very cool nonetheless!

Thanks to Justin for the tip!

NeoGAF member Mama Robotnik has made some rather neat discoveries on John Dobbie’s Behance profile. Dobbie once worked for Silicon Knights as an Environmental Artist. The first round of art – which can be seen above – shows drawings for the unused endings in Eternal Darkness. Here’s a rundown of each piece:

Favorite characters of 2010

1. Miku -Miku-Project DIVA-2nd
2. Snake- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
3. Ailu-Monster Hunter 3rd Portable
4. Kratos-God of War III
5. Totouria Helmolt-Atelier Totori: The Alchemist of Arland
6. Mario
7. Aya Brea

Most interesting games of 2010

1. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
2. Pokemon: Black and White
3 .Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
4. Miku-Project DIVA-2nd
5. The Legend of Heroes] [zero locus
6. Tales of Graces F
7. God Eater Burst
8. Tactics Ogre
9. Atelier Totori: The Alchemist of Arland
10. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
11. Xenoblade
12. NieR RepliCant / Gestalt
13. Red Dead Redemption
14. End of Eternity
15. God of War III
16. K-On! H?kago Live!!
17. Gran Turismo 5
18. Street Fighter IV
19. Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City
20. Danganronpa
21. End of the World ?? Tonelico 3 girls playing poems
22. Black Ops Call of Duty
23. Yakuza 4
24. Super Mario Galaxy 2
25. The Third Birthday
26. Pic!
27. Fallout: New Vegas
29. Sengoku BASARA3
30. Ghost Trick

Top creators of 2010

1. Kenji Inafune
2.Hideo Kojima
3. Tsuzimoto Riyouzou ( Monster Hunter )
4. Tetsuya Nomura
5.Toshihiro Nagoshi ( Yakuza )


This actually isn’t the first “Real life Mario Kart” video. You can check out the original right here. The first video received quite a bit of publicity when it was released!

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