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There hasn’t been a new Prince of Persia since 2010’s The Forgotten Sands. Additionally, Ubisoft hasn’t made any major announcements about the IP.

Ubisoft Montreal CEO Yannis Mallat, in an interview with IGN, noted that Prince of Persia “is being paused”:

“Brand management is a tricky thing. It needs people’s attention a lot. I think it is fair to say that, right now, Prince of Persia is being paused. But we said the same thing for some other brands that suddenly popped up because a team is willing to do it.”

Fear not, Prince of Persia fans – the series isn’t dead. It’s merely resting for now. Prince of Persia is still very significant for Ubisoft, and Mallat said the IP “is as important as any other franchise for Ubisoft.”

“I’m not scared at all for Prince of Persia fans. We’ll find something to entertain them with in the future. Prince of Persia is part of Ubisoft’s portfolio. As a matter of fact, we sometimes iterate on franchises and sometimes we give them time to breathe and time to grow, or time to rest. Prince of Persia is as important as any other franchise for Ubisoft. As soon as we have something to show, we will.”


Crytek’s new studio in Austin, Texas is primarily comprised of ex-Vigil employees. This may seem like a pretty good opportunity for Crytek to pick up THQ’s Darksiders IP, but nope – it won’t be happening.

If Crytek USA won’t be working on Darksiders, what kind of titles will the company be involved with? Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli explained:

“It would be pretty much safe to say that this team will be working on online games. (Crytek USA will focus on) online games and kick-ass triple-A productions. It is going to be quite a significant investment for Crytek over the next five years.”


It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Warren Spector has moved on from Disney Interactive. Spector’s studio, Junction Point, was officially shut down today, but it was unclear if he would move on from Disney as a whole.

A representative has since confirmed that Warren Spector is no longer with Disney. This is backed up by his LinkedIn profile, which now states: “Wondering what comes next?… Want to talk?”

Source 1, Source 2

The video below gives another inside look into LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, along with past LEGO games:


This week’s GameStop deals are as follows:

Note: The offers above are running concurrently with the standard weekly sales.

Zelda: Hyrule Historia has officially launched throughout the world. All major retailers will be selling the book starting today. Get it, people!

Disney Interactive has confirmed that Junction Point Studios has closed its doors. The company was officially shuttered today.

In a statement, Disney said:

“It was with much sadness that we informed our teams today of changes to our Games organization, which include the closure of Junction Point Studios. These changes are part of our ongoing effort to address the fast-evolving gaming platforms and marketplace and to align resources against our key priorities. We’re extremely grateful to Warren Spector and the Junction Point team for their creative contributions to Disney with Disney Epic Mickey and Disney Epic Mickey 2.”


Noise has been fairly quiet since releasing Custom Robo Arena in 2009. Similarly, Nintendo hasn’t announced anything new for the series following the DS game’s launch.

It sounds like there’s still quite a bit of interest in the IP, as noted on Noise’s official blog. In a new post, the studio wrote that it often receives emails asking about future Custom Robo titles, but “with the changes around the game industry, I felt that it would be difficult to continue to create these games exactly as they had been in the past.”

Noise is currently mulling over “in what form we could use this important property.” But for now, the team “cannot say when or in what form something will appear.” Noise additionally thanked fans of the series and noted: “I hope that one day I will have something good to report for you.”

Read on below for Noise’s fully translated blog post concerning Custom Robo.

Nintendo will probably never allow Wii U owners to play 3DS games on their televisions (or GamePads). But that doesn’t mean we can’t imagine the possibility!

Dave Delisle created a “DSU” concept that would permit users to plug a 3DS game into a small box, which is in turn connected to a Wii U. The hardware would beam the the 3DS’ top screen to a TV and the bottom screen to the GamePad. Of course, you’d lose the 3D effect.

This isn’t real. But it’s kind of neat. It may remind you of that lovely Game Boy Player for GameCube!

Source, Via

Square Enix nabbed a few new Japanese trademarks. The first, Drakengard, may have been registered to pave the way for digital re-releases in the future. Square Enix also registered “Princess and the Legendary Ring”, which Siliconera suggests could be the subtitle of a new Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles project.

SEGA filed a new trademark of its own known as “Chaos Heroes Online and Red Blood”. And last but not laest, Namco Bandai now has the name “Unison Chronicles and Unisonant Pack”.


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