Updated Nintendo million sellers, release schedule
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 4 Comments
Nintendo has published some extra information pertaining to the company’s latest financial results. We have an official updated million sellers list and release schedule. At least we know Brain Training’s 3DS outing is still heading to Europe!
More: million sellers, Nintendo, release schedule, top
Details from Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing – sales, strategy, competition, VC boost, more
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 9 Comments
Update: Now over. Transcript complete.
Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing is about to begin. As usual, analyst David Gibson is in attendance, and will be tweeting live. We’ll round up any details that come in from the briefing below.
– Sales: Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 2.49 million, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon – 1.91 million, Tomodachi Collection – 1.37 million, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team – 1.37 million, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D – 1.19 million
– Nintendo said the company took inventory write down to account for price reduction
– Nintendo saying 3DS share has increased in Japan, Europe, and the US; it’s a growing market, you down in USA and Europe as last year launched XL
– Pokemon X/Y: European shares grew from 18% to 38%; Nintendo believes there is/will be a similar uptick in the US
– In the US, 3DS has already passed last year’s total
– Nintendo expects to sell over 5 million 3DS units this year in the US with a strong holiday season
– Nintendo says the 2DS’ awareness is still too low, but is designed to appeal to lower-priced users
– Survey indicates 2DS buyers were new users
– Wii Sports Club will be download only and free-to-play for 24 hours
– Will then be 200 yen per day or 1,000 yen for the entire game
– Wii Fit U is also free for 1 month for users who have the Balance Board
– In Japan, a survey showed 500,000 people still use the Balance Board
– Fit Meter also has a baramoeter so it can measure if you’re going uphill or downhill
– Because of Pokemon X/Y’s launch, Nintendo hadn’t been doing much Wii U marketing
– This has changed and sales have already improved
– Nintendo did 11.4 billion of digital sales, 50% of which was for complete game downloads (retail?)
– Nintendo believes new bundles in Japan (Family Pack) and USA (Mario & Luigi) will boost sales
– The StreetPass DLC games have been purchased for a value of 1.1 billion yen
– 35% of the DLC sales have come from Japan
– Nintendo expects Pokemon to help boost in the future
– Nintendo, whether digital or packaged, believes price should be the same
– Nintendo claims once a consumer buys a game digitally, they’re more likely to buy again digital
– Nintendo understands free-to-play market, etc.
– Users feel packaged seems more expensive, Nintendo is trying new models as a result like Wii Sports Club
– Pokemon X/Y shipped over 1 million units in September ahead of October launch
– Nintendo argues 3DS sold 5.5 million units last year and over 5 million units in Japan this year
– These are record levels for a handheld, happening at the same time as the smartphone expansion
– In handheld market, hardware plus software design combined benefit in games and Ames experience different versus smartphones
– Nintendo will use smartphones to promote its own games
– Hardware takes 1.5 years to design, and entry-level 2DS well planned ahead
– Weaker yen made the 2DS possible
– This holiday, games are targeted more for family
– Next year, advanced players will be targeted
– Nintendo says next-gen consoles aren’t targeted at the family audience this year
– Nintendo also admits competition is increasing
– Nintendo is targeting US, Europe, Japan, and perhaps Australia for growth
– Nintendo will explain Emerging Country strategy in January for its next results
– Iwata’s commitment to 100 billion operating profit this year: “make best effort to achieve target” and not going to quit
– Iwata is focused on creating long-term value for Nintendo
– Iwata remembers Yamauchi’s advice: “don’t copy other entertainment companies”
– Nintendo intends to boost VC and library; it’s not fully utilized
– Nintendo thinks it can do more with its digital offerings
– No plans to release games on smartphones
– Nintendo won’t cut people to cut costs, not pessimistic on the future of the company
– On Yamauchi shareholding said it’s not 49 days since his passing and no concrete plans or discussion before 49 days with them
– Plan to cooperate with family as much as possible and don’t want burden on the market (at 49 days, traditional ceremony conducted in Japan)
More: 2DS, financial briefing, Satoru Iwata, top
Call of Duty: Ghosts – perks system details
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Activision has shared a variety of details about Call of Duty: Ghosts’ perk system. Read on below for a roundup of information.
– 35 total perks, each with a point value (1 to 5)
– Start out with 12 “points”
– Primary weapon, secondary weapon, lethal grenade, and tactical grenade each cost one point
– Perks have assorted point values
– Perks are unlocked by gaining a certain amount of levels, or by spending Squad Points
– All perks are separated into categories:
Speed: Outrun and outmaneuver enemy players. Speed Perks are all about getting the lead and staying ahead. Examples include Sleight of Hand (Faster reloading) and Stalker (Move faster while aiming).
Handling: Dexterity and control drives the Handling Perks, improving actions and accuracy. Examples include On the Go (Reload while sprinting) and Steady Aim (Increased hip fire accuracy).
Stealth: Stealth Perks aid you in staying out of sight, maintaining a low profile and engaging on your terms. Examples include Takedown (Kill enemies without revealing their death locations) and Incog (Resistant to targeting systems including Recon, Thermal Scope, Tracker Sight and Motion Sensor. No name or red crosshairs when targeted).
Awareness: Keep in tune with your surroundings. Awareness Perks help you survey the environment and detect enemy players. Examples include SitRep (Detect enemy explosives and tactical equipment) and Wiretap (Utilize all active enemy and friendly SAT COMs on the field).
Resistance: A hardened endurance reduces the effects of fatigue. Resistance Perks keep you going through tough engagements. Examples include Focus (Reduced weapon sway when aiming down sights and reduced flinch when hit) and Blast Shield (Increased resistance to explosive damage).
Equipment: Tacticians swear by their gear, and Equipment Perks ensure you have the best tools on hand. Examples include Extra Tactical (Additional Tactical equipment) and Extra Attachment (Extra attachment for your weapons).
Elite: Elite Perks offer special abilities that affect your loadouts in a variety of ways. Examples include Gambler (Spawn with a random Perk) and Ping (Activate a sonar ping upon killing an enemy, revealing nearby hostiles).
More: Activision, Call of Duty, Infinity Ward, perks, Treyarch
Kung Fu Rabbit confirmed for the 3DS eShop
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Kung Fu Rabbit has already appeared on a few platforms, including Wii U. Neko Entertainment has now confirmed plans to bring the game to the 3DS eShop as well. If all goes smoothly, we could see the portable version out before year’s end.
More: Neko Entertainment, top
Activision unsure if Call of Duty: Ghosts’ pre-order bonus map will be available for Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Will the Call of Duty: Ghosts pre-order bonus map “Free Fall” be available on Wii U? Right now, no one seems to know.
After Vooks asked Activision to clarify the situation, a company representative said:
“It’s just not confirmed for the day one release, but there is definitely a chance that it will become available at a later stage”.
For what it’s worth, retailers in the US don’t list Free Fall as a pre-order bonus for the Wii U version of Ghosts. And given how poorly Activision has handled DLC on the console, I wouldn’t be surprised if the map never makes its way over.